Agenda item 7: Draft NOWPAP


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda item 7: Draft NOWPAP Mid-term Strategy 2018-2023

Outline 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Discussion on Achievements and Challenges of NOWPAP Regional Activity Centre (RAC) 3. Role of RACs in the NOWPAP: Towards the next NOWPAP Mid-term Strategy 2018-2023 4. Discussion on the future development of NOWPAP RAC network 5. Closure of the meeting

Changing global landscape “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and adopted a set of 17 universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets in 2015 Paris agreement on climate change entered into force on 4 November 2016 Resolution 2/10 on oceans and seas of the Second United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme in 2016 Resolution 72/9 adopted by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific on 24 May 2016 on South-South, North-South and triangular cooperation on oceans and marine resources  Regional Seas Strategic Directions (2017-2020) adopted in 2015 CBD COP-17 in Cancun, Mexico  High-level United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 in New York in June 2017

Background Five challenges to consider when developing MTS 2018-2023 (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 20/7/4): Lack of clear vision and direction for all NOWPAP activities; Lack of connectivity among RACs expertise; Lack of effective fund allocation strategy among RACs and the overall lack of effort to mobilize external resources; Lack of region-specific technical priorities in the MTS; Lack of performance connectivity between NOWPAP Programme of Work (PoW) and MTS priorities.

SOMER–2 identified eight major regional environmental issues corresponding closely to results of global assessments: • Fragmentation, degradation and loss of habitats and landscapes • Chemical contamination of waters, sediments and biota resulting from pollution from sea- and land-based sources • Eutrophication caused by input of nutrients linked to the increased incidence of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and hypoxia; • The impacts of marine litter; • The number and occurrence of invasive non-indigenous species have increased in recent years; • Overfishing and destructive fishing practices; • Changes in freshwater fluxes and sediment discharge to the sea; • Global climate change impacts

Solutions to marine plastic litter go much beyond improving waste management infrastructure and include support for structural economic changes that would reduce plastics consumption, increase production of environmentally friendlier materials, increase recycling and reuse, promote investments in alternative conversion technologies and new materials and products, and support an enabling environment including capacity building, new regulations and standards GEF-STAP (2011). Marine Debris as a Global Environmental Problem: Introducing a solutions based framework focused on plastic

Elements of the strategy (strategic direction) The Vision of the MTS 2018-2023 is derived from the overall NOWPAP goal (1994): The wise use, development and management of the coastal and marine environment in the NOWPAP region, contributing to sustainable development for the long-term benefit of present and future generations

Overarching Theme: Enhancing Ecosystem Resilience The wise use, development and management of the coastal and marine environment in the NOWPAP region, contributing to sustainable development for the long-term benefit of present and future generations Overarching Theme: Enhancing Ecosystem Resilience Prevent and reduce land- and sea-based pollution Support integrated coastal and river basin planning and management Assess status of the marine and coastal environment Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production Enhance effectiveness of NOWPAP Achieving Ecological Quality Objectives and Contributing to Sustainable Development Conserve marine and coastal biodiversity MTS core themes

All core themes of the MTS 2018-2023 include the same set of issues (adjusted for each individual theme To strengthen regional and national and sub-national capacity for the implementation of NOWPAP objectives and action plans; To build synergies and complementarities among international, regional and national institutions in the NOWPAP region; To deliver knowledge-based assessments on emerging issues in the Northwest Pacific environment; To mobilize additional financial and human resources for NOWPAP activities, with a special focus on private sector and civil society engagement; To increase NOWPAP visibility and participation in global and regional dialogues on environmental protection and sustainable development.

Steps to Complete MTS 2018-2023 for Adoption by 22nd IGM

Discussion on Achievements and Challenges of RACs Agenda item 2: Discussion on Achievements and Challenges of RACs Describe your major achievements? How your current mandate remains relevant today and aligned with the adopted SDG? What is your comparative advantage vis-a-vis other knowledge centers in the NOWPAP region? Do you see an overlap between your work and the work of other NOWPAP RACs? What are your major global, regional, national and sub-national partners? What are other partners you would like to work with in the future? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current mechanism for executing the RACs Programmes of Work? What are your major administrative, institutional and financial constrains? Could you describe your vision for your respective RAC? Both, in terms of technical coverage but also modus operandi.

Role of RACs in the NOWPAP: Towards the next MTS 2018-2023 Agenda Item 3: Role of RACs in the NOWPAP: Towards the next MTS 2018-2023 This agenda item will be opened by the RCU presentation highlighting challenges and opportunities for the development of the next NOWPAP Mid-term Strategy. The four RAC Directors will be invited to have a discussion on the Action Plan to finalize the Mid-Term Strategy in a participatory and inclusive way.

Discussion on the future development of RAC network Agenda Item 4: Discussion on the future development of RAC network The four RACs Directors are requested to present one-two slides that would describe several specific actionable items on how to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the NOWPAP RACs network. The floor will be open for discussion after the Directors’ presentations.

Some suggestions on NOWPAP operational structure Inter-Ministerial Meeting (IMM) Every four years Partners Partners Intergovernmental or NOWPAP Senior Officials Meeting (IGM) Every year Ad-hoc Expert Group NOWPAP Senior Officials Group Ad-hoc Expert Group Partners Ad-hoc Task Force NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit in Toyama and Busan Ad-hoc Task Force Partners Special Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Center (CEARAC) Toyama, Japan Data and Information Network Regional Activity Centre (DINRAC) Beijing, P.R. China Marine Environmental Emergencies, Preparedness and Response Regional Activity Center (MERRAC) Daejeong, R. Korea Pollution Monitoring Regional Activity Center (POMRAC) Vladivostok, Russian Federation