Back to School Night August 25, 2016 Mrs. Hildan – 3rd Grade, Room 10 Home of the Hawks SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS!!!
Introduction Toni Hildan (Antoniette Azua-Hildan) Family Education University of Arizona National University
Introduction continued Work History Juvenile Probation – Community Service Crisis, Abuse, and Neglect Shelter – Youth Care Daycare and Learning Center – Assistant Director Teaching Private School, Kindergarten Readiness - (4 years) Rocklin Unified School District – (9 years)
Daily Schedule 7:45 - 7:50: Warning Bell (line up) 7:50 - 9:50: Language Arts 9:50 - 10:05: Recess 10:05 - 11:30: Math 11:30 - 12:10: Lunch 12:10 – 12:50: Catch Up/Universal Access 12:50 – 1:00: Recess * 1:00 - 2:20: Social Studies, Science, Digital Citizenship, Character Education (*On Mondays, students are released from school at 1:20 -there is no afternoon recess.) This is a basic schedule which varies based upon our extracurricular classes.
Extracurricular Classes Science Lab: Monday 8:50-9:50 (may change) PE: Tuesday and Thursday 9:10-9:50 Spanish: Wednesday 9:10-9:50 Library: Mobile Cart (TBD) VAPA: Approximately once a month (Mondays)
3rd Grade Curriculum Language Arts: Houghton Mifflen, Junior Great Books, Time for Kids, poetry, class novels, Lexia, AR, Excellence in Writing Mathematics: Bridges in Mathematics Social Studies: History-Social Science (Communities), Scott Foresman Science: California Science, Grade 3, MacMillan McGraw Hill
Homework Transition year from primary to upper grades: developing independence, strong study skills (organization) Planner Binder (Homework Pocket) Mon - Thu (Spelling/Comprehension packet, Math practice and Reading 20 mins. – most important!!! Less than one hour total.) Look over homework after best effort, review planner
Behavior Management 3 Expectations/HOWL/SR Pledge Behavior Chart
SR Office/District Office Notes Report Card and Parent Portal (gradebook) Independent Study (one week notice) Virtual Backpack (Wednesday folders)
MISC/Extras Birthdays Scholastic Book Orders Volunteers Field Trips
Thank you so much for being here!!! Questions??? Thank you so much for being here!!!