Essential Oils for Skin
Benefits of Essential Oils for Skin Natural Safe Soothing, cleansing, and purifying properties Whether you have a rigorous skincare routine you stick to, or have to deal with the occasional blemish, essential oils can be extremely beneficial for the skin. As natural compounds taken from the earth, essential oils offer a pure way to care for and maintain the skin. The pure, potent nature of essential oils makes them safe for the skin, and can help you avoid the questionable ingredients and toxins that are often found in many commercial beauty products. Chemicals can often have a harsh effect on skin, and effect other areas of the body. By using natural essential oils, you can gently care for the skin without worrying about what you are putting on your body. Essential oils hold soothing, cleansing, purifying, and even skin-perfecting properties that make them ideal for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. *Add any personal reasons why you like to use essential oils for skin, or talk about how essential oils have helped improved your skin.
Use of Essential Oils On Skin Direct topical application Add essential oils to your favorite cleansers, lotions, moisturizers, etc. Use essential oil-infused skincare products Using essential oils for skin is extremely easy. You can tailor your essential oil experience according to your skincare preferences, sensitivities, and everyday routine. There are several ways to enjoy the benefits that essential oils hold for skin. One simple way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils for skin is through direct topical application. Essential oils can be applied directly to the skin, or diluted with a carrier oil like dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil. Keep in mind that some essential oils should always be diluted before applying to the skin in order to avoid irritation. We will talk about these oils a little later. Another effective way to use essential oils to perfect the skin is to add a few drops to your facial cleansers, lotions, or moisturizers. This will give your favorite products a little boost, and provides an easy way to apply essential oils to your skin. You can add a few drops of an essential oil to the lotion or cleanser bottle, or you can simply add a drop of oil to a dollop of product, rub the hands together, and apply. Lastly, you can use essential oil-infused skincare products as a way to promote healthy-looking skin and get rid of the occasional skin blemish or irritation. doTERRA has several skincare lines that are designed for anti-aging, skin rejuvenation, and cleansing. Infused with pure essential oils, these products can help you to maintain soft, smooth, glowing skin.
Safety Guidelines Dilution: 3 drops of carrier oil to 1 drop of essential oil Recommended use: Start with a small dose (1-2 drops.) This dose can be repeated every 4- 6 hours as necessary. Areas to avoid: skin around the eyes, inner ears, damaged skin Essential oils are safe for the skin, however, as with any kind of essential oil use, it is always important to follow safety guidelines in order to avoid irritation or unsafe use. One of the best ways to avoid irritation when using essential oils on the skin is through dilution. Diluting essential oils is an especially good idea if you already know that you have sensitive skin, or when using essential oils on children. dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil is a great carrier oil that can be used to dilute essential oils when using them topically. While you can dilute an essential oil if you are trying it for the first time, or if you are worried about skin sensitivity, there are several essential oils that should always be diluted. These oils—Cassia, Cinnamon, Clove, Cumin, Oregano, and Thyme—will include a letter “D” in their product description which indicates that they should always be diluted. In addition to diluting essential oils before applying them to the skin, it is also important to be aware of the application instructions for the particular oil that you intend to use. When it comes to topical use, the dosage will vary depending on the individual and their needs, age, size, and overall health status. When you are first starting out, try a few small doses throughout the day instead of a single large dose all at once. Start with a small dose (one to two drops.) This dose can be repeated every four to six hours as necessary. While essential oils are safe for topical use, there are a few areas that you’ll want to be careful about in order to avoid irritation. When applying essential oils to the skin, be sure to avoid sensitive areas like the skin directly around the eyes, the inner ears, and broken, damaged, or injured skin.
Which oils should I use? Now that we’ve talked about how wonderful essential oils are for the skin and how to apply them, let’s talk about a few specific essential oils that hold significant benefits for the skin. Some essential oils hold cleansing and purifying properties that can be helpful for keeping the skin clean and free from contaminants. Other essential oils contain soothing elements that can soothe the skin when mild irritations occur. Each essential oil has a different chemical makeup, and some of these chemical elements are known to improve and support the skin. To give you a few ideas, let’s talk about some of the best essential oils for skin.
Skin Imperfections Lavender: soothes occasional skin irritations Melaleuca: used on occasional skin irritations to soothe the skin Frankincense: reduces the appearance of skin imperfections Grapefruit: improves the appearance of blemishes Patchouli: helps reduce the appearance of blemishes and skin imperfections Helichrysum: can be used to reduce the appearance of blemishes Sandalwood: reduces the appearance of skin imperfections *Discuss each of the oils listed on the slide. Talk about how you’ve used any of these oils in your own skincare routine, or which essential oils you like to use for skin imperfections.
Anti-Aging Patchouli: reduces the appearance of wrinkles Helichrysum: reduces the appearance of wrinkles and to promote a glowing, youthful complexion Myrrh: helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles *Discuss each of the oils listed on the slide. Talk about how you’ve used any of these oils in your own skincare routine, or which essential oils you like to use for anti-aging.
Smooth Complexion Coriander: helps maintain a clear complexion (particularly with oily skin) Clary Sage: rejuvenating and calming to the skin Geranium: helps to promote clear skin Helichrysum: known for its restorative properties for the skin Myrrh: promotes a smooth, youthful looking complexion Sandalwood: promotes a healthy, smooth complexion Ylang Ylang: promotes the appearance of healthy skin *Discuss each of the oils listed on the slide. Talk about how you’ve used any of these oils in your own skincare routine, or which essential oils you like to use for a smooth complexion.
Skin Purifying Melaleuca: renowned for its rejuvenating and cleansing effect on the skin Grapefruit: acts as a purifying agent when added to a skincare routine Juniper Berry: acts as a natural skin toner Spikenard: purifying to the skin Bergamot: provides skin purifying benefits *Discuss each of the oils listed on the slide. Talk about how you’ve used any of these oils in your own skincare routine, or which essential oils you like to use for skin purifying.
Skin Care Products As I mentioned before, another way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils for skin is to use skincare products that are infused with essential oils. dōTERRA offers several product lines that include essential oil-based products designed to benefit the skin through your daily skincare routine.
Verage Skin Care Collection ® The dōTERRA Verage Skin Care line includes natural skincare products that are designed to reduce the visible signs of aging while also promoting soft, smooth skin. Each product includes essential oils, plant extracts, and other natural ingredients to gently nourish the skin as you use the collection on a daily basis. (Talk about any specific products in the Verage product line, or any personal experiences you have had with these products.)
HD Clear Skin Care ® For anyone who wants a clear, smooth complexion, the HD Clear Skin Care line is designed to purge the skin of impurities, while promoting a clear complexion and reducing blemishes. The essential oils and other natural plant extracts included in HD Clear products can help to improve the texture and appearance of skin. By using HD Clear in your everyday skincare routine, you can maintain a smooth, healthy-looking complexion. (Talk about any specific products in the HD Clear product line, or any personal experiences you have had with these products.)
Essential Skin Care Another collection designed to promote youthful-looking skin, the Essential Skin Care line utilizes essential oils and other natural ingredients to target the signs of aging. If you are worried about fine lines, wrinkles, or other signs of aging, the Essential Skin Care line allows you to easily add anti-aging products to your everyday skincare routine. (Talk about any specific products in the Essential Skin Care product line, or any personal experiences you have had with these products.)
spa You can treat your skin to the luxurious products in the dōTERRA SPA line whenever you feel like your skin could use some renewal, rejuvenation, or just a little extra pampering. With a body wash, exfoliating scrub, body butter, mud mask, lotions, and more, the dōTERRA SPA collection gives you plenty of ways to improve the look and feel of your skin, without going to an actual spa. (Talk about any specific products in the dōTERRA SPA product line, or any personal experiences you have had with these products.)
Essential Oil Skincare DIYs dōTERRA product blog: blog-products For more ideas on how you can use essential oils for skin, you can visit the dōTERRA product blog. They have dozens of skin DIYs that are easy enough to make at home. If you are interested in homemade foot scrubs, mud masks, sugar scrubs, soaps, and more, the dōTERRA product blog has plenty of easy tutorials that you’ll love. ®
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