Sept 29, 2017: Assessment Workshop 4 minute Please Sit With Your Content Area Colleagues Make a T-Chart for your Directorship What you have done / What you can do next 2 minutes (Annette) 1
Directorship T–Chart Anne René+5= 9 What have you done What can you do next Directorship Announcements?
I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand. Anne René + 1 = 10 1 minutes 2 3 min = 5 min
Objectives for Today Anne René + 5 = 15 After having a rubric modeled for an ELD Standard, teacher candidates will be able to design a rubric with a Content and ELD Standard for their Vocabulary lesson. After reviewing learning research and theories, teacher candidates will be able to respond to the planning commentary prompts.
Small Group Discussion Anne René + 10 = 25 THINK INK PAIR SHARE We have reviewed UDL and Differentiated For your vocabulary lesson, describe strategies 2 UDL strategies – for all students 3 Differentiations for each of your focus students 10 minutes (Anne Rene’) 4 + 10 minutes (15 minutes)
Assessment Tea Party Julie +25 = 50 At cocktail (and tea) parties you often flit around talking to numerous people as a way to network. At this party, you will read your assessment standard to someone and listen to their assessment standard. Exchange standards and move to another person for conversation. Each time you read your standard, you will EXCHANGE with your partner so that you have a different standard. 25 minutes (Julie) 5 25 minutes = (40 minutes total)
Debrief Assessment Tea Party Julie +10=1:00 What did you notice about the assessment standards that you had not considered before? What is the difference between evaluation and assessment? (partner talk 1 min.) The assessment standards are the big ideas that should guide your thinking in making assessment plans. Posted on Cougar Courses EDSS 511 10 minutes (Julie) 6 +10 minutes (50 minutes)
Assessment and Reflection Julie +15 = 1:15 Think about an assessment you recently administered to your students. Using the language from the Standards for the Assessment for Reading and Writing, describe the assessment to your partner. Then… Use the prompts on the next slide to go deeper into your reflection 7
Reflection and Assessment Julie +15 = 1:15 Why did you use this particular assessment? What was the purpose of the assessment? How did your class do overall? Name an EL student and a special needs student. How did these students do on the assessment? What did you need to reteach? What would you do differently next time in the teaching and with regard to the assessment? 15 minutes (Julie) 8 +15 minutes (1 hour 5 minutes)
What do you know? Annette +15= 1:25 Principles of research/theory on learning Review readings from your courses, identifying authors and areas of expertise in the following three areas. Supporting Student Learning (content & process) Supporting Student Learning through Language (content & process) Monitoring Student Learning (product) Each group write at least 1 reference (you choose area) 15 minutes - Annette 9 +15 minutes (1 hour 20 minutes)
Planning Commentary Julie +20 = 1:45 Find a colleague in your content area Access the edTPA on Taskstream Locate the Planning Commentary – What Do I Need to Write for your content area Identify what prompts address student-specific instruction English learners Student with an IEP or 504 Student of your choice 20 minutes – Julie 10 + 20 minutes (1 hour and 40 minutes total)
Vocabulary Lesson Plan Anne Rene +5=1:50 Review Lesson Plan Format Review Planning Commentary Prompts, 511 C-Course Post the following: Vocabulary / SDAIE Lesson Plan Planning Commentary Current Class Profile Print paper copies of the rubric for EDSS 511, 555, and 521. There are some variations! +5 minutes (1 hour and 45 minutes total)
Assessment Strategies Annette + 10 = 2:00 What formative assessment strategies did you see during your ELD/SDAIE observations OR have used in your class? What ELD Standard / language development objective was assessed? How did students demonstrate they met the standard / objective (product)? Annette – 10 minutes 12 +10 (1 hour 55 minutes)
Using CA ELD Standards in Assessment Plan Annette +5 = 2:05 Each ELD Standard represents a language skill that ELs need in order to become proficient in English SDAIE lesson = Content AND English language development A SDAIE lesson has 1 assessment plan that includes:
Using the California ELD Standards in your Assessment Plan Annette +5=2:10 What proficiency level of the ELD Standard do you choose for your SDAIE lesson? i + 1 or one level above the current proficiency level of your English learner(s) Use the wording of each level of the ELD Standard (Emerging, Expanding and Bridging) to create a rubric to assess language development Aligned to your language development objective
Creating Rubrics Using the California ELD Standards Annette +10= 2:20 English learners in the class: 20 LTEL students Language Development Objective (Bridging): After a close reading, students will be able to write a clear and coherent summary of (name of text) using complete and concise sentences and key words (vocabulary). ELD Standard: Writing (b). Summaries (Grades 9-10) Emerging Expanding Bridging 10. Writing b) Write brief summaries of texts and experiences using complete sentences and key words (e.g., from notes or graphic organizers). b) Write increasingly concise summaries of texts and experiences using complete sentences and key words (e.g., from notes or graphic organizers). b) Write clear and coherent summaries of texts and experiences using complete and concise sentences and key words (e.g., from notes or graphic organizers).
Creating Rubrics Using the California ELD Standards Annette +5=2:25 Language Development Objective (Bridging): After a close reading, students will be able to write a clear and coherent summary of (name of text) using complete and concise sentences and key words (vocabulary). Rubric to assess language development and content (4 = Bridging) 1 2 3 4 Written Summary (Language Development) Summary was brief, had one complete sentence using one vocabulary word Summary of (content) was brief, had 2 complete sentences using 2 vocabulary words Summary of (content) was concise, had 3 complete sentences using 3 vocabulary words Summary of (content) was clear and coherent, had 4 complete and concise sentences using 4 vocabulary words (Content) +30 minutes (2 hours and 25 minutes)
TICKET OUT THE DOOR Instructors will be available to answer questions and check your “ticket” Complete a rubric for your Vocabulary / SDAIE Lesson Plan using a Content and an ELD standard. Planning Commentary: Central Focus Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching Supporting Students’ Content Learning Supporting Content through Language Monitoring Student Learning This is the type of description you will need for edTPA