Effective Leaders Dealing with a Problem Wasmiyah Abdulaziz 201201429 Shahad AlOtaibi 201300688 Maram Alzahrani 201301283 Wafa AlOtaibi 201203306
Purpose: Effective leaders are constantly facing leadership dilemmas. However, they know how people improve their goals. Also, can help you to see how the leaders solve these problems without losing their companies or job. NORM is an acronym for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. NORM is any nuclide that is radioactive in its natural state (i.e., not man-made), but does not include source, by-products or special nuclear material. NORM has been present in the earth’s crust since its formation, is found in trace quantities everywhere and in the tissues of all living beings. There are over fifty naturally-occurring radio nuclides, the most common being Uranium, Thorium and Potassium-40, and their radioactive decay products, such as Radium and Radon.
Outline Background of the Company The Leader The Problem Short-term Solution Long-term Solution Summary
Background of the Company Name: Saudi Aramco Product: Oil and gas History: 1933 1944 1950 1974 1980 1988 NORM was first recognized as a potential problem in the Canadian oil fields in 1904. The earliest reports about NORM’s existence in oil fields were released in 1930, but these reports were scattered, rare, and went unnoticed. At the same time, elevated levels of Radium were also detected in the Russian oil fields. These findings were paid little attention as the whole radiation protection field was in its early stages. It only started to develop in the 1950’s and 1960’s. In 1953, the United States geological society published the first paper on Uranium in gas formations. In 1985, when high levels of NORM were detected in facilities operating in the North Sea, it became a cause for concern for the oil and gas industry located in this area. After 1985, more attention was paid to the issue of NORM, and measures were taken to address these issues. The American Petroleum Institute (API), and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), came out with guidelines and regulations to govern NORM.
Management-leadership Structure Amin H. Nasser David B. Kultgen Abdurrahman F. Al-Wuhaib Abdallah I. Al Saadan
The Leader’s background: Name Age Qualifications job history Leadership style NORM nuclides are found as part of the natural composition of earth crust in trace amounts. In reservoir rock formations such as sandstone and limestone, uranium and Thorium are found in varying concentrations on the order of ppm As you can see from the table Uranium & Thorium concentrations vary significantly from one rock formation to another During geological time frame, these nuclides leach into formation water mainly, and decay producing series of other radioactive materials such as radium. One of NORM decay product chain is Radon, Radon is a radioactive gas which accumulates with natural petroleum gas. Another source of NORM accumulation that we encounter in Saudi Aramco is originating from Seawater. It is a well known fact that Uranium exists in seawater in parts per billion concentration
The Problem The largest oil company in the world. Started since 2014. Decreased by 41.74%. Saudi Arabia GOV. There are many NORM nuclides in the earth’s crust, but it is the nuclides that tend to accumulate in the oil and gas facilities that are of concern to us. These nuclides are Ra-226 (Radium), Ra-228 (Radium), U-238 (Uranium), Rn-222 (Radon), Pb-210 (Lead), and Po-210 (Polonium).
Short-term Solution Reducing salaries and cut off bonuses. Reducing the sectional budget. Reducing the number of employees Radioactivity is defined as spontaneous nuclear transformations that result in new radioactive elements. There are three kinds of radiation. An Alpha particle is a high energetic helium nucleus ejected by the nuclei of some unstable atoms. These are large subatomic fragments consisting of 2 protons and 2 neutrons. They travel only a few inches through air and can easily be stopped with a sheet of paper. A Beta particle is an ordinary electron that is ejected from the nucleus of an unstable radioactive atom; this particle has a negative electrical charge and very small mass. Beta particles can travel a few feet through air and can be stopped with a few sheets of aluminum foil. Gamma rays are waves, not particles. Gamma rays (gamma photons) are emitted from the nucleus of some unstable (radioactive) atoms. Gamma photons are the most energetic photons in the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma rays have a high penetrating power - it takes a thick sheet of metal such as lead, or concrete, to significantly reduce them. Gamma rays do not directly ionize other atoms, although they may cause atoms to emit other particles which will then cause ionization.
Long Term seclusion To not accept new employee. Make another products. To not accept any project in future. The sources of most NORM are isotopes of Uranium-238 and Thorium -232, which are naturally present in subsurface formations, from which oil and gas are produced. The primary radionuclide of concern in NORM wastes is Radium-226, which is derived from the Uranium 238 series. This chart shows the decay scheme of Uranium-238 series. This has a half life of 4.5 billion years.
Summary Background of the Company The Leader The Problem Short-term Solution Long-term Solution The natural levels of NORM can be significantly increased or “enhanced” as a result of activities like mining and oil production. This enhancement is referred to as TENORM – Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. Sometimes, NORM can accumulate at much higher concentrations than its original natural level due to these activities. In the oil and gas industry, NORM tends to accumulate in media such as scale, sludge, scrapings and thin films in gas plants.
References Khalid Alfalih (2015, February9) from Oil-Drop Pain Spreads to Saudi Arabia's Energy Behemoth. . June Cole (2014,july9) from Saudi ARAMCO Nat'l Gas Plans undercut US Fracking, Point to big Water Problems Ahead. The radiation that is emitted by NORM also falls under these three categories: Radium-226 and Lead-210 are Gamma rays, Radium-228, Lead-210, Bismuth-210 are Beta particles Radium-226, Uranium-238, Polonium-210 and Lead-210 are Alpha particles