Fish and Watershed Restoration Efforts in the Ninemile Drainage: Potential, Progress, and Opportunity Clark Fork R.


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Presentation transcript:

Fish and Watershed Restoration Efforts in the Ninemile Drainage: Potential, Progress, and Opportunity Clark Fork R

Middle Clark Fork Priority Watershed Distribution Lower Clark Fork R St Regis R Flathead R Middle Clark Fork R Ninemile Cedar Cr Trout Cr Middle Clark Fork R Blackfoot R Petty Cr Fish Cr Bitterroot R

Location of 303 listed streams in Ninemile Watershed Main Ninemile Cr Big Blue Cr Josephine Cr Little and main McCormick Crs Kennedy Cr Stony Cr Cedar Cr Clark Fork R

Fish Distribution and Density in the Upper Ninemile Drainage- 2001

Mean Daily Water Temperature for Streams in the Ninemile Drainage, 2001

Watershed Development and disturbances Roads and crossings (sediment source/passage) Mining (channel alteration and sediment contribution) Altered disturbance regimes (suppression, 2003 fires, cumulative) Harvest (upland sediment, past removal of riparian wood) Settlement, water use, floodplain conversion (temperatures, chemicals, riparian and channel)

Large-scale projects Post Burn- Road decommissioning, crossing removal and upgrade, riparian road relocation, and mine-site reclamation (implementation: 2001 to 2007) Prioritization, NEPA/ESA compliance, funding (internal and external) Frenchtown Face Ecosystem project- Roads/pipes, mine-site, fish screen, fencing (implementation 2005/06….) Prioritization, NEPA/ESA compliance, funding (primarily internal) TMDL- watershed-wide evaluation including private land problems and opportunities - Watershed group with opportunity for priority project development and funding (Non-Federal groups spearhead on private lands)

Post Burn

Roads and crossings 2001-02 Post Burn Project area Road density= 3.0 miles/mi2 w/215 miles of road Stream crossing density= 2.4 xings/mi2 w/180 crossings 2005-2007 Frenchtown Face Project area Road density= 3.3 miles/mi2 w/205 miles of road Stream crossing density= 2.3 xings/mi2 w/133 crossings

Roads and burn effects

Large crossing replacements (Post Burn)

7 large crossings already replaced under Post Burn

2005 roads to be decommissioned and pipes removed under Post Burn 40 miles of road (red lines) decommissioned (19%) 55 stream crossings (blue dots) removed (29%) Extensive BMPs on Foothills road

2005 Riparian Road Relocation (2005)

Large active and abandoned mine site disturbed areas

Mainstem and tributary placer mining disturbances

Kennedy Creek load and placer mining disturbances

Eustache Creek mine-site project (2005-2007) Clark Fork River Ninemile watershed Eustache Creek mine-site project (2005-2007) N

Disconnected flow

Tailings: stream confinement

Instream habitat simplification

Upper watershed conditions and local resident

Frenchtown Face

Roads and crossings 2001-02 Post Burn Project area Road density= 3.0 miles/mi2 w/215 miles of road Stream crossing density= 2.4 xings/mi2 w/180 crossings 2005-2007 Frenchtown Face Project area Road density= 3.3 miles/mi2 w/205 miles of road Stream crossing density= 2.3 xings/mi2 w/133 crossings

Roads proposed to be decommissioned and pipes removed/replaced in Frenchtown Face Project up to 88 miles of road (red lines) decommissioned (43%) up to 34 stream crossings (blue dots) removed (26%) up to 8 large pipes replaced (red dots)

Road closure examples

Little McCormick Creek AML restoration

Screen Stony Creek Diversion

Future opportunities Roads- Additional BMPs, road relocation and obliteration Culverts on County roads and remaining big-problem Forest pipes Prioritize and go after mainstem and tributary mine site reclamation Fish Screens Strategic mainstem riparian and channel restoration Water leases, id key losing areas?