ELEC 6491 Controlled Electric Drives DESIGN OF AN ELECTRIC TOURIST SHUTTLE Instructor : Dr. Maher Al-Badri Miracle Ebenezer J J 27728689
Vehicle Parameters Motor Specifications Vehicle Specifications S. N Description Value 1 Base Speed 850 rpm 2 Motor Power Rating 20HP 3 Armature Rated Current 73 A 4 Armature Resistance 0.176Ω 5 Armature Voltage 230 V 6 Armature Inductance 4.6mH 7 Moment of Inertia (J) 0.462 Kg.m2 8 Frictional Co-efficient (B) 0.015 N.m.s / rad S. N. Description Value 1. Mass of the Vehicle 1587 Kg 2. Radius of the Tire(r) 0.1524m 3 Maximum speed of the Vehicle 40 Km/Hr 4 Ground Clearance 7” 5 Maximum Gradient 20% 6 Mass of one wheel 9.5Kg Motor Torque 178.975 Nm Gradient Torque 474.04 Nm Rolling Torque 35.55 Nm Axle Torque 2.136 Nm Frictional torque 1.33 N.m Total load torque 692 Nm Gear Ratio 4
Design Consideration Description Rating Battery Victron Energy, 26.4V ,180Ah Motor Speed Controller Evnetics, LLC 600A, 9 – 340V Cable size and length Four different types of wires are used to carry the power for different components Gear Ratio Gear ratio is equal to the ratio of number of teeth on the driver gear to the driven Gear ≈ 4
Wiring & Gear Gear Ratio The number of teeth on the gear is selected such that, the gear ration is 4 . The Number of teeth in the Driver Gear is 12 and the Number of teeth in the Driven Gear is 48 Wiring Diagram
Sensors and Controller DC-DC Converter Sensor Description Value Speed Sensor Hall Effect Sensor - The Speed on the motor shaft needs to be fed to the Motor controller Electro Sensor HE950 Battery Temperature Sensor The ideal charge voltage required by batteries changes with battery temperature Xantrex BTS Current Sensor Current sensor is used to detect electric current in a wire, and generates a signal proportional to it Honey Well CSNL181 - XXX ±12V to 18V (±5%) Speedometer displays the instantaneous speed of a vehicle VDO – 1323 0 -125 km/h Description Value Manufacturer BRUSA - BDC546 Input Voltage 50-600 V Output Voltage 150-750 V Voltage range control circuit 9-16 V Continuous current 300A Efficiency 98.9 % Ambient temperature range in operation -40 to +85 °C
Motor Controller Armature current Motor torque Motor speed in RPM Description Value Manufacturer Soliton Jr Voltage Range 9V-340V Maximum Current 600A Motor torque Motor speed in RPM
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