The exterminator was hired by a funeral director to get rid of a manifestation of bees by the front entrance. Recently, the director had to ask people coming to give condolences to the families of the deceased to use the back door. He was reluctant to let people come through his office, but he had no other entrance and he couldn’t risk anyone getting hurt. To make matters worse, the director was hosting the funeral for a famous movie star’s parent. The famous movie star planned to bring his entire entourage for the planning of the funeral. The exterminator needed to get rid of the bees before the funeral so that the director and the movie star would be in nirvana.
WEEK 16 WORDS Nirvana Manifestation Reluctant Entourage Condolence
Nirvana The state of complete happiness and peace. Many people think that lower gas prices would be nirvana.
Manifestation One of the different ways in which something can appear. The vet was worried when the animals started having a manifestation of the disease.
Reluctant When someone is unwilling to do something and hesitate before doing it, or do it slowly and without enthusiasm. Mr. Jones was reluctant to ask for directions even though he had been lost for hours.
Entourage The group of assistants, servants, or other people who travel with a famous or important person. The world famous rock star insisted that his entire entourage dress the same.
Condolence Message in which a person expresses his or her sympathy for someone because one of their friends or relatives has died recently. Chandler sent a letter of condolence to the families of the people who died in the car accident.