You will have an exam that lasts for one and a half hours. Section A: You will be expected to spend 50 minutes on this section which will look at the value of two sources in relation to a specific question. Please annotate the sources. Section B: You will then have the choice of two essay questions. Select the one that you feel you are better equipped to answer. You should spend 40 minutes on this section. These timings include built in time to reread your work and make changes.
Step one: Source A is/isn’t valuable in explaining….because Provenance (Where the source comes from who wrote it and why) This source is from (which perspective?)… It comes from …. It was published in…. The purpose of the source was to…. Content and argument The source argues that…. The source also argues that…. This source suggests…. This source refers to…. Tone and emphasis The tone is one of …. The source uses words such as ……. This lets us know …… The language seeks to ….. After each point you make try to say This makes the source/does not make the source valuable in relation to …… because…. At all times try to weave your contextual knowledge in to your point. This will help ensure it is relevant and that it enhances your argument. Step two: Source B is/isn’t valuable in explaining….because Provenance (Where the source comes from who wrote it and why) This source is from (which perspective?)… It comes from …. It was published in…. The purpose of the source was to…. Content and argument The source argues that…. The source also argues that…. This source suggests…. This source refers to…. Tone and emphasis The tone is one of …. The source uses words such as ……. This lets us know …… The language seeks to ….. After each point you make try to say This makes the source/does not make the source valuable in relation to …… because…. At all times try to weave your contextual knowledge in to your point. This will help ensure it is relevant and that it enhances your argument. Step three: Arrive at an overall judgement on both sources by making direct and valuable compassions: Think about their position and their potential reach whilst considering their overall truth Source A is more objective than Source B and probably reflects the views of many within Parliament and much of society However, many of one class in particular, had sympathy with the message in B cannot be dismissed. Attitudes/impact towards/on…… varied across the country (why). Both sources have their uses, but, on balance, A is probably more reflective of the concerns of the country as a whole.
Title: The economy boomed under Macmillan 51-64” How far do you agree with this statement? Step one: Plan. What are your paragraphs going to be? You need to think about the different conservative economic policies. What did they do? What were their outcomes? In this case you could have any of the following: 1) Stop Go 2) Stagflation 3) Industrial Growth rate 4) Wages 5) Financial credit 6) Housing 7) Unemployment. Select a minimum of three that you think you can talk about in depth and provide a balanced argument for. If you don’t think you know how they are/could be balanced try pairing them up. Eg Housing and financial credit. Step two: Introduction. Put the question into context. KISS (Keep it short and Simple) and state the three factors you are going to look at to help you answer the question. Step three: Write your first main paragraph. Make sure you use PEEE. (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Evaluation.) Point: One factor which showed economy boomed was the rise of the GPD Evidence: This is backed up by the fact that The GDP of the country rose 2.3% between the years 51-64. (This is shown by…. Highlighted by… Illustrated by…. Emphasised by) Explanation: This would mean that the economy boomed because…. (This meant…. Furthermore……. This lead to…. As a result…. Consequently…….This was important because) Evaluation: However, it could be argued that the overall the rise in GPD did not really there was an economic boom…. Look at: Impact/significance on different groups in society. The impact in the short term/long term. Comparisons between different groups/countries. Step four: Write another 2 paragraphs like the one above Step five: Conclude. Select which side of the argument you come down on. State why this argument is stronger/ weighs heavier than the other side. Think about what else it could link into. Above all….In particular….Especially….Notably….Overall….Overriding…. This links into/led to….