Psychology’s Big Issues & Approaches
Module 2 2-1 Summarize the nature-nurture debate in psychology 2-2 Describe psychology’s three main levels of analysis and related perspectives 2-3 Identify psychology’s main subfields 2-4 Explain how psychological principles can help
What is psychology’s biggest question?
Nature vs Nurture (Either way it’s still your parents’ fault!) Twin studies (Bouchard, 1990) “Genes matter.” “Our America” w/ Lisa Ling video Psychology Today article
“Nurture works on what nature endows.” Place each item on the line according to how much you believe it involves “nature” (genetics) or “nurture” (environment) Nature Nurture Skin color language/accent Intelligence temper/aggression body size Schizophrenia Down syndrome artistic/musical/athletic ability Alzheimer’s Cancer political views My take: “Nurture works on what nature endows.”
2-2 What are psychology’s three main levels of analysis?
Psychology’s Major Approaches Perspective Focus Behavioral How we learn from observable responses Biological How the body & brain enable emotions, memories, & sensory experiences; how genes combine with environment to influence individual differences Cognitive How we encode, process, store, & retrieve information Evolutionary How the natural selection of traits has promoted the survival of genes Humanistic How we meet our needs for love & acceptance & achieve self-fulfillment Psychodynamic How behavior springs from unconscious drives & conflicts Socio-cultural How behavior & thinking vary across situations & cultures THE CHART SAYS THAT THIS WILL MAKE UP ONLY 2-4% OF THE TEST…. THEY LIE!!! YOU MUST KNOW THESE PERSPECTIVES AND BE ABLE TO APPLY THEM TO VARIOUS SITUATIONS….
How would each view the issue of anger? Perspective Sample Questions Behavioral Might attempt to determine which external stimuli trigger angry responses or aggressive acts Biological Might study brain circuits that cause us to be “red in the face” & “hot under the collar” or how heredity & experience influence our individual differences in temperament Cognitive Might study how our interpretation of a situation affects our anger & how anger affects our thinking Evolutionary Might analyze how anger facilitated the survival of our ancestors’ genes Humanistic Would be interested in how anger might affect a person’s potential for growth Psychodynamic Might view anger as an outlet for unconscious hostility Socio-cultural Might explore how expressions of anger vary across cultural contexts
2-3 What are psychology’s main subfields? Basic vs Applied Psychometrics Helping professions Psychiatrist (medical) Individual focus vs Community focus
3-1 What do psychologists in various professions do, & where do they work?
Subfield Basic Description Cognitive psychologists Each of you will be assigned a different subfield, please research it tonight & be able to answer these questions tomorrow!: What would they study? What research would they be interested in? Where might they work? Developmental psychologists Educational psychologists Experimental psychologists Psychometric & Quantitative psychologists Social psychologists Forensic psychologists Health psychologists Industrial-Organizational psychologists Neuropsychologists Rehabilitation psychologists School psychologists Sport psychologists Clinical psychologists Community psychologists Counseling psychologists
SQ3R: Survey, Question, Read, Retrieve, Review 2-4 How can psychological principles help you learn & remember in order to do better on the AP exam? Testing effect: enhanced memory after retrieving, rather than simply rereading information SQ3R: Survey, Question, Read, Retrieve, Review Spaced practice…. (No cramming!) Active listening: Make mental connections between ideas, terms, & people! Chunking & Mnemonic devices