EECE6017 Lab 7 HPS to FPGA – Gsensor to LED Prelab Activities: Complete the homework given for Lab 6 Go Through the training “DE0-Nano-SoC_My_First_HPS_FPGA.pdf” from the Lab manual Learn how to use Qsys tool and design system with Bridges connecting HPS and NIOS II processors Download the SoC EDS Design Suite from - Refer System Requirements in the DE0-Nano- SoC_My_First_HPS_FPGA.pdf before starting the lab Demonstrate the my_first_hps-fpga project in the DE0-Nano-SoC_v.1.1.0_SystemCD\Demonstrations\SoC\my_first_hps folder Work to be done during this lab: Turn in assignments from lab 6 (if you have not completed these, turn them in at the beginning of lab) Questions on Lab 7 : Discuss the program as given in my_first_hps_fpga sample and come up with questions if there are any. Demonstrate advanced HPS-FPGA Examples provided in the DE0-Nano-SoC_v.1.1.0_SystemCD, HPS_CONTROL_FPGA_LED Revise team member assignments (if necessary).
EECE6017 Lab 7 HPS to FPGA – GSensor to LED Read Chapter 7 - Examples For HPS to FPGA from DE0-Nano-SoC_User_manual.pdf Go through 7.1 to understand the interconnect bridges to use the peripheral connected to FPGA from HPS and demostrate the project my_first_hps_fpga from Demonstrations\SOC folder (instruction are given in the user manual). Use Altera SoC EDS to build the software with HPS. Please refer to Chapter 5 "Running Linux on the DE0-Nano-SoC board" from the DE0- Nano-SoC_Getting_Started_Guide.pdf to run Linux on DE0-Nano-SoC board. Be sure to understand project HPS_CONTROL_FPGA_LED Show the output of hps_gsensor X, Y and Z Orientation values with the help of LED. Show the X –orientation values mapped to the 8 LEDs in the FPGA. The value of X will be in the range of 0 – 1023. Split the range into 8 ranges and map them to 8 LEDs.
Homework: Study about Altera Monitor tools Go through Altera Monitor programming with ARM processor and Altera Monitor programming with NIOS II