Ways to Subtract Interactive PowerPoint Slideshow Created by: Sue Ann Dixon Educational Technologist Stowers School Ft. Benning, Georgia
Note to Teacher Make sure the students understand different ways of solving subtraction problems. Show students how to use the scroll bar to move from one slide to the next. Students should do Slides 3-12 first. After students have completed slides 3-12; click on Slide Show; View Show and have students check their answers. Or….use the Infocus machine with the whole class one slide at a time.
There are 7 in the tree. 3 run up a tree. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 7 in the tree. 3 run up a tree. How many are left?
There are 9 in the barn. 4 went into the yard. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 9 in the barn. 4 went into the yard. How many are left?
There are 6 in the yard. 2 ran away. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 6 in the yard. 2 ran away. How many are left?
There are 8 in the doghouse. Solve the subtraction problem. There are 8 in the doghouse. 3 ran out of the doghouse. How many are left?
There are 10 on the flower. 4 flew away. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 10 on the flower. 4 flew away. How many are left?
There are 9 on a leaf. 5 crawled away. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 9 on a leaf. 5 crawled away. How many are left?
There are 6 at the zoo. 3 are eating. How many are not eating? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 6 at the zoo. 3 are eating. How many are not eating?
We saw 9 in the jungle 2 ran away. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. We saw 9 in the jungle 2 ran away. How many are left?
4 turned into butterflies. Solve the subtraction problem. There are 8 in the garden 4 turned into butterflies. How many are left?
There are 10 on the ground. 7 climbed up the tree. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 10 on the ground. 7 climbed up the tree. How many are left?
4 There are 7 in the tree. 3 run up a tree. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 7 in the tree. 3 run up a tree. How many are left? 4
5 There are 9 in the barn. 4 went into the yard. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 9 in the barn. 4 went into the yard. How many are left? 5
4 There are 6 in the yard. 2 ran away. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 6 in the yard. 2 ran away. How many are left? 4
5 There are 8 in the doghouse. 3 ran out of the doghouse. Solve the subtraction problem. There are 8 in the doghouse. 3 ran out of the doghouse. How many are left? 5
6 There are 10 on the flower. 4 flew away. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 10 on the flower. 4 flew away. How many are left? 6
4 There are 9 on a leaf. 5 crawled away. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 9 on a leaf. 5 crawled away. How many are left? 4
3 There are 6 at the zoo. 3 are eating. How many are not eating? Solve the subtraction problem. There are 6 at the zoo. 3 are eating. How many are not eating? 3
7 We saw 9 in the jungle 2 ran away. How many are left? Solve the subtraction problem. We saw 9 in the jungle 2 ran away. How many are left? 7
4 There are 8 in the garden 4 turned into butterflies. Solve the subtraction problem. There are 8 in the garden 4 turned into butterflies. How many are left? 4
3 There are 10 on the ground. 7 climbed up the tree. Solve the subtraction problem. There are 10 on the ground. 7 climbed up the tree. How many are left? 3
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