Peacebuilding Fund Board Wednesday 14 December SRI LANKA
Objectives Opening remarks Update on the PPP Process for Programming the PBF Contribution Review Project Concepts Next Steps for PBF Project Development Overview of EU support to the PPP AOB Finalised PPP Dissemination of the PPP Financing of the PPP
Update on PPP PPP finalized President and SG endorsed Individual meetings with most Board members PBF contribution of $7m confirmed UN working with counterparts to develop concept notes PPP partner mapping database in operation Discussion on initial concepts (today) Finalised PPP Dissemination of the PPP Financing of the PPP
Programming PBF Contribution 5 integrated projects based on PPP priorities. Project Focus Transitional Justice ($1.87m) Support to design and implementation of mechanisms Civil society component ($400,000) Reconciliation ($1.8m) Psycho-social support Peace Education Dialogue and Infrastructures for Peace Women and Youth ($1m) Youth’s participation in peacebuilding processes Women’s political empowerment Independent Commissions ($0.7m) National Police Commission Human Rights Commission Right to Information Commission SCRM and PBF Secretariat ($1.67m) Technical support to SCRM Support to PBF Secretariat to oversee effective implementation of PPP Flexible Fund to support requests for technical assistance Each project represents a cluster of programming priorities brought together with a view towards promoting harmonization and a strategic focus on high-level peacebuilding outcomes. Note: Resettlement and Durable Solutions outcome addressed through EU assistance
I: Transitional Justice Concept ($1.87m) Key Counterparts: SCRM, ONUR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs, Human Rights Commission and other relevant government institutions and CSOs $1.87m from PBF, including $400,000 in support of civil society OHCHR, IOM, UNDP, UNV, UN Women, UNICEF
Support to design & operationalise TJ mechanisms Area of work Activities Support design of truth-seeking, justice and reparations mechanisms Legal and technical advice to design of mechanisms Support victim’s participation in design process Contribute to the preparation of archiving procedures Technical support on witness and victim protection Support the operationalisation of the TJ mechanisms Support operationalization of the OMP, in coordination with other stakeholders Provision of technical assistance to operationalize the reparations and truth seeking mechanisms Outreach and awareness-raising for victims’ groups and their representatives
Supporting Civil Society’s work on Transitional Justice Area of work Activities Capacity of civil society, including victims’ groups & their representatives, strengthened on TJ issue Small grants for civil society organizations to work on the dissemination, education and outreach with respect to transitional justice issues Training for CSOs and the HRC on transitional justice issues. Outreach activities for all transitional justice mechanisms (conducted in close collaboration with the wider communication strategy on TJ supported through the EU project)
II: Reconciliation Concept ($1.8m) Project aims to work with national partners in: Infrastructures for Peace & Dialogue: With Ministry of National Integration & Reconciliation, Ministry of National Dialogue Co- existence & Official Languages, ONUR, District and Divisional Administration, & CSOs Peace Education: With National Institute of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Skills Development and Vocational Training, Provincial Department of Education, Zonal Department of Education & CSOs Psychosocial support: With the Ministry of Health Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs, Ministry of Social Empowerment and Welfare, Provincial Director of Health Services, & CSOs. The UN will work in close collaboration with GiZ/EU to ensure complementarities
Infrastructures for peace to promote dialogue, build consensus and provide early warning Area of work Activities Local level institutional arrangement in place to promote peace and reconciliation in target pilot locations Working with existing structures such as Co-existence Societies, Mediation Boards, and CSO platforms Create/strengthen a dialogue facilitator pool at the local level Strengthen role of the structures in facilitating communication at the community level, drawing on best practices Develop a practical early warning & response mechanism for emerging conflicts Monitor results and identify key lessons for scaling up of pilots
Peace Education Area of work Activities School curricula revised to strengthen competencies related to conflict resolution, prevention and promotion of peace Support curriculum review panel. Awareness raising & sensitization on curriculum revisions in History Transform Civic Education towards practical based subject. Principals, teachers and school communities have enhanced capacities to prevent and resolve conflict and promote peace Support research on violence in different settings Promote awareness to protect children from abuse, violence and exploitation. Develop teacher development materials to support conflict resolution. Piloting of models and scale up good practices. Research, monitoring and evaluation strengthened to inform policies and programs towards promoting peace through Education Establish a research & information management hub. Develop an Education for Social Cohesion research strategy Develop dissemination strategy and establish network among similar research initiatives in other countries.
Psycho-social support Area of work Activities Capacities at community level strengthened to provide mental health and psychosocial support Community level programmes to address drivers of violence and common psycho-social issues (i.e. alcohol abuse, positive parenting and suicide prevention) Proposed focus Districts: Mannar, Polonaruwa, Trincomalee and Moneragala Develop Provincial Mental Health Action Plans, informed by National Action Plan Protocol system for Victim Case Management developed Support establishment of a survivor-centric, confidential service provision referral system Focus on the needs of conflict affected, victims of SGBV and women from FHHs Mental Health and Psychosocial Health Information upgraded Facilitate data collection, monitoring of trends and evidence based policy development. National and sub-national mechanisms strengthened for psychosocial support to victims of SGBV Support the national and subnational forums against GBV to increase their capacity in providing psychosocial support and coordination NAP already underway and being supported by WHO Districts chosen because programmes already underway in Mullaitivu, Killinochchi and Jaffna and Batticaloa, and analysis suggests needs in these areas… i.e. WHO has worked on alcohol prevention programme in Anaradhapura and thinks Polonaruwa with similar issues, would also benefit etc.
III: Women and Youth Concept ($1m) The project will empower youth and women to participate and engage in governance and decision-making processes and responses related to sustaining peace and security in Sri Lanka at all levels. National counterparts: Ministry of Women & Child Affairs, Ministry of National Co-existence Dialogue and Official Languages; Ministry of Vocational Training and Skills Development, Parliament; National Youth Services Council and National Youth Corps, Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance. Non-state partners: Network of national and local youth and women and civil society groups, Political parties, women’s caucuses, International and national NGOs, youth-led or youth focused civil society organizations Youth: , $1m from PBF (+ $410,000+ from participating UN agencies) UNFPA, UNV, UN Women, UNDP, OHCHR, UNICEF
Increased youth participation in peacebuilding activities Area of work Activities Increase youth’s understanding and empower them to engage in the peacebuilding process Raise awareness & promote discussion amongst youth on peacebuilding, including on social media Promote youth volunteerism in peacebuilding Set up a technology-based one stop shop for community-based, youth-led peacebuilding efforts Organize V-awards 2017 with thematic focus on peace Work with government to create space to engage youth in policy-making & programming Establish national Youth Peace platform to work on collecting data and good practices linked also to peacebuilding Support institutions to develop action plans on youth and peacebuilding Provincial level policy dialogues on youth A bit vague as a strategy – need to identify exactly WHO we will be working with on these ‘action plans etc…’
Support to women's empowerment and participation in peacebuilding, including politics Area of work Activities Women candidates empowered to compete for local government elections Interventions to prepare women for the 2017 Local and Provincial Council Elections Capacity building on women’s leadership, Conduct pre and post M&E of impact of training Innovative use of social media for greater political parity Operationalise 25% Local Govt. quota and advocate for a 30% quota within Provincial Councils Work with political parties to develop effective strategies to increase women’s participation Promote cross party networks of women’s parliamentary caucuses. Support the Election Commission on the conduct of civic education on women’s participation as voters and candidates Advocate for a minimum quota for female candidates at the Provincial Council. Catalyse work on Security Council Resolution 1325 Working through the National Human Rights Action Plan and the SGBV National Action PLan, provide support to catalyse initiatives in support of 1325
IV: Independent Commissions ($0.7m) This project will provide strategic support to strengthen the core functions of the National Police Commission, Human Rights Commission and Right to Information Commission, to enable them to play a catalytic role in the peacebuilding process in Sri Lanka. Support to the NPC and the HRCSL will build upon/complement EUR 600,000 support through the EU/UNDP project UNDP and IOM, in collaboration with UNWomen and UNV
Independent commissions are able to contribute towards a culture of more accountable and transparent democratic governance Area of work Activities National Police Commission Public Complaint Management System Public awareness of the NPC’s functions and complaint lodging mechanism Identified skills and knowledge gaps addressed through training and awareness Human Rights Commission Technical support to strengthen monitoring capacity and related data management systems Right to Information Commission Technical & capacity-development assistance to support full operationalisation of Commission i.e. Standard Operating Procedures Support the Commission to undertake training activities for public officials on the effective implementation of the Act; Support to publicize the requirements of the Act and the rights of individuals under it
SCRM and PBF Secretariat ($1.67) Area of work Activities Support to SCRM to ensure a coordinated and coherent Government strategy to progress reconciliation and TJ High level national technical expertise Experience sharing and capacity development Thematic research to inform policy design, planning, communications and outreach Effective functioning of the PBF Secretariat Support to project design, monitoring and reporting, and communications Resource mobilization Coordination, maintaining a database of projects aligned to the PPP Flexible fund for technical assistance Examples: TA for dialogues with key stakeholders such as political parties, military, amongst others; and TA to support the development and implementation of new legislation such as counter-terrorism.
Next Steps PBF Project Operationalisation: Share Concept Notes with Board members by 11 January 2017 for feedback by 20 January 2017 Develop full project proposals by 15 February Technical review of project proposals by 24 February Board reconvenes to review projects and approve funding allocations (End February) Implementation begins March 2017