MHSC CoE: Dissemination & commercialisation Date Preis, Eugene CTAC/MRAC Workshop: 04 october 2017
Introduction / Inputs vs. Outputs
Macro Process
HR Structure and Requirements
Stream 1: Technology Development and Commercialisation
TD&C / Introduction
TD&C / Business Model Canvas
TD&C / Detailed Processes and Procedures Refer to pp. 20 – 23 in Final Report for discussion
TD&C / Detailed Processes and Procedures Refer to pp. 20 – 23 in Final Report for discussion
TD&C / Key Partners and Collaboration Approach
Stream 2: Training, Education and Awareness
TE&A / Business Model Canvas
TE&A / Detailed Processes and Procedures Refer to pp. 28 – 30 in Final Report for discussion
TE&A / Key Partners and Collaboration Approach
Stream 3: Marketing & Promotion
M&P / Business Model Canvas
M&P / Detailed Processes and Procedures Refer to pp. 36 – 39 in Final Report for discussion
M&P / Key Partners and Collaboration Approach
Intellectual Property Policy The Policy does not need to conform to the IPR Act (ruling obtained from NIPMO in this regard)
The Role of the SIMRAC Committee RDTC PDTC RODTC
The Role of the SIMRAC Committee Excerpt from SIMRAC Committee TOR, Doc CG10: Responsibilities of the Committee d) Making recommendations w.r.t the implementation and technology transfer of research outcomes; e) Advising Council on the communication and publication of research results k) …SIMRAC delegates its functions to three (3) Technical Sub-Committees of CoE comprising of RDTC; PDTC; RODTC. o) Providing oversight on the MHSC Centre of Excellence
The Role of the RODTC Committee Excerpt from RODTC Committee TOR, Doc CG0X: Responsibilities of the Committee Developing a work plan which ensures that all activities and responsibilities of the RODTC are timeously and adequately addressed. Assessing transfer and commercialisation potential of the technology and knowledge from research outcomes for current and past research programs Packaging of research outcomes Knowledge Management Promotion of Innovation Stakeholder Management & Engagement on research outcomes Marketing and Promotion of research outcomes Events Management Protection of IP from research outcomes Training of stakeholders on research Transfer and Commercialisation of technology and knowledge from research outcomes Business Incubation (Piloting the research outcomes at “Champion Mines”
Discussion Points SIMRAC Committee should identify opportunities From Determination and during Delivery Innovation should be problem-driven. Not idea-driven. An idea without a problem is only an idea, and not an opportunity… If research projects are expected to include market/feasibility/commercialisation studies, this needs to be defined in the Project TORs (as well as the associated skills required). Typically, technical researchers are not skilled at these types of studies – specify additional experts required. In technology development/R&D, failure is a measure of success. Fail fast, early and cheaply.
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