Team w4aaw TOTALLY Remote Multi-Multi CONTESTING … the next best thing to being there! November 16, 2016 Rowland Archer K4XD Adapted from a presentation given by John Pescatore K3TN at dayton And with much input from Mike W4AAW (ex-W0YR)
agenda Politics of Remote Operation The Stations – K4VV & W4AAW What’s It Like to Operate Remotely? What About the Results? What’s Next? Join the Fun!
Remote operation is a hot topic…
But hardly a new one… Remote Contesting 1.0 Source: Nov/Dec 1996 NCJ
Remote Contesting 1.1
as always, change brings controversy… is it legit?
Actually, the debate ended 6 years ago: n6tr operates ve8ev remotely in SS CW November 2009
Like most technology, remote operation can be used … or abused!
Ingredients of a contest operation RADIO OPERATOR(S) ANTENNA(S) RADIO(S)
K4XD’s VIEW: THIS IS NOT COOL VIRGINIA VIRGINIA EUROPE THE INTERNET NORTH CAROLINA JAPAN URUGUAY Actually even this was briefly “OK” in CQ’s Extreme Category, now defunct
THE REAL DECIDER: THE CONTEST SPONSOR AND LAWS OF THE COUNTRIES INVOLVED Arrl and cq are both ok with remote contesting as team w4aaw practices – we are very careful to adhere to the rules!
Team k4vv w0yr w4aaw* a totally remote multi-multi contesting laboratory This grand experiment started at Jack Hammett’s super-station, K4VV Due to Jack’s failing health, his XYL decided to dismantle the station in mid-2015 Mike W0YR, the team’s spiritual and real leader, offered to continue the effort using his own very fine station and a very similar technological approach In Sept 2015, Mike changed his call sign to W4AAW to accurately reflect his location
First a little history – k4vv used in our 2014-2015 contest season
Jack Hammett, K4VV built his massive contesting station atop Catoctin Ridge, VA on property once owned by Arthur Godfrey, K4LIB. Jack Hammett’s dream
Trudging up the hill Jack grew weary of trudging up the hill to the K4VV shack. He asked Mike, W4AAW (ex-WØYR), to help develop a way to operate the big station from his house, about 600’ away. Mike first used LogMeIn and Skype to connect from K4VV’s house radio room to the K4VV shack. Then, sadly, Jack’s health declined.
The Berthas
the Radiators at k4vv Tower 1: Big Bertha 10 M 5/5 OWA Yagis 15 M 5/5 OWA Yagis 20 M 4/4 OWA Yagis Tower 2: Super Bertha 10 M 7/7/7 OWA Yagis 15 M 7/7/7 OWA Yagis 20 M 6 /6 OWA Yagis Tower 3: 112' monopole Fixed 5 element yagis at 135° , 20-40' for CA/SA Supports 80 M dipole at 106' Tower 4: 120' tower. 40 M 4/4 OWA Yagis Supports 160 M dipole at 115'
The Wall o’ Relays
The Station
post 2015 contest-season k4vv is dismantled Mike w4aaw Steps Up and team k4vv becomes Team W4aaw
Antennas at W4aaw MONOBANDERS for 10-40M Tower 1: 20M 5 element widespaced yagi @ 82’ Tower 2: 10M 5 element widespaced yagi @ 72' 40M 2 element yagi @ 82' Tower 3: 15M 5 element widespaced yagi @ 82‘ FIXED LOW CARIBBEAN YAGIS (can be switched instantly) Cushcraft A4S tribanders on Towers 1 & 3 at 40', aimed at 135 deg. for Caribbean (to be added in 2017) LOW BAND AND RECEIVING ANTENNAS Full-size 80M phased vertical array. Inverted L for 160M at 80' DX Engineering YCCC 5-square receiving array, a 4 square with a 5th element in the center 160-80-40M.
W4aaw towers 1 and 2
Tower 3 – 15m 5 EL monobander @ 82 Ft
YCCC 3 inline vertical receive array combiner
The Wall o’ Relays – W4AAW W4AAW – same switching capability as at K4VV 6 x 3 Automatic Antenna Switch – any antenna switchable remotely to any radio using TopTen devices Dunestar bandpass filters at each position W2VJN Coax harmonic stubs as required AUTOMATICALLY PREVENTS TWO RADIOS ON SAME ANTENNA Ops look at N1MM+ screen to see what bands other positions are on
W4aAW Operating Positions legal limit on all POSITION 1: FT-2000D, Acom 2000A POSITION 2: K3, Acom 2000A, RemoteRig POSITION 3: FT-2000D, Acom 2000A All amps have automatic band-switching and can be monitored/controlled remotely. Pos 1 & 3 can be operated remotely by any TeamW4AAW member. Pos 2 requires a RemoteRig client ($) Rick N1RM Operating Position 2 at W4AAW
What’s it like to operate remotely?
Open Source Remote Operation – zero cost Client N1MM+ Windows VPN VNC Remote Desktop Skype for SSB, RemAud for CW audio WKRemote for CW keying via paddle This is the Setup Used by Most Team W4AAW Members
Remote Contesting 2.0 – RemoteRig Client side options K3/0-mini K3/0, K3/10, K3/100 Almost seamless operation – turn the VFO knob, gain, filters, etc. and remote K3 follows.
VNC Remote Desktop View
Controlling the FT-2000’s POS1 and POS3 have FT-2000’s N1MM+ controls most common functions like mode, band and frequency choice PCC application provides a simulated front-panel which gives full radio control if needed, such as RF gain, filter choice, etc.
Acom amp control N-Button Lite widgets turn amp on or reset it ACOM Director shows amp status, faults, forward and reflected power Each position has a USB relay board Widgets created with N-Button Lite software control the relays Relays currently used for antenna switching and amp power / reset
Audio, keying and radio control Function POS 1 & 3 POS 2 (K3/RemoteRig) N1MM+ F-keys Keyboard or Mouse input to VNC remote desktop Local N1MM+ AUDIO Skype (best SSB), RemAud by DF3CB (best CW) Headset to RemoteRig Local Mixer for N1MM+ SSB macros CW N1MM+ (ctl-K) or WinKeyer Remote N1MM+ or local paddle to RemoteRig Radio controls (tuning, filters, gain, etc) N1MM+ and radio control app on VNC remote desktop. Local N1MM+ and local K3/x
Rotating Antennas, chat N1MM+ widgets show current antenna bearing Enter call-sign or prefix or bearing and Alt-J to rotate to new bearing N1MM+ window shows what bands each position is on – POS1 on 40M, POS2 on 80M, POS3 on 15M N1MM+ window shows inter-position chat Overlaid here with instant-select buttons for low Caribbean yagis
Schedule app by K4XD based on app by N2IW Scheduling Schedule app by K4XD based on app by N2IW
Pros and cons PROS Open source means anyone can play. Just need a computer and Internet Can be part of a M/M team even if you have limited time / family obligations Cool technology and fun to see progress – we are breaking new ground Contest using a station that exceeds many of our personal setups CONS Missing the social element of in-person M/M More software to configure (and curse at) Internet issues can introduce audio delays and dropouts Tuning with OpenSource model is clunky. RemoteRig much better
So… what about the results?
The First totally Remote Multi-Multi W3UL in CQ WPX RTTY
2015 ARRL DX CW With yet another snowmageddon bearing down on the DC area, Mike W4AAW says “Hey, kids – let’s try an all remote multi-multi!” Ops: W0YR, N1RM – in VA K3TN, W3UL – MD W4TMO, K4XD – NC W3UL – FL (after a long train ride) K3/Remote rig ops
2015 arrl dx cw - 3830
Internet QRM/Jittermageddon Pinging xxx.xx.xx.xx with 32 bytes of data: Reply from xxx.xx.xx.xx: bytes=32 time=426ms TTL=247 Reply from xxx.xx.xx.xx: bytes=32 time=450ms TTL=247 Reply from xxx.xx.xx.xx: bytes=32 time=381ms TTL=247 Reply from xxx.xx.xx.xx: bytes=32 time=242ms TTL=247 Ping statistics for xxx.xx.xx.xx: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 242ms, Maximum = 450ms, Average = 374ms
Arrl dx cw 2015 – Final results TOP TEN FINISH – in good company!
ARRL DX SSB 2015 - 3830
Arrl DX SSB 2015 - final results Another top ten finish – moving up to sixth place!
Cq WPX SSB 2015 - 3830
Cq wpx ssb 2015 – final results Second place north America m/m!
2016 – w4aaw’s new Rtty team knocks it out of the park Mike W4AAW recruits CQ Contest Hall of Fame member Don AA5AU to join Team W4AAW as RTTY Contest Chairman Don attracts a number of enthusiastic world class RTTY ops Team W4AAW proceeds to break M/S and M/M North American RTTY contest records based on claimed scores in 2016 Makrothen, JARTS and WAE DX RTTY contests Don AA5AU, our RTTY Contest Chairman
Lessons Learned The all free software approach has limitations (tuning, delay) but makes things widely accessible. The Remote Rig approach solves most problems but adds cost and complexity – and single point of failure. The Internet connection is your coax – don’t skimp. Contesting is different from Dxing – especially M/M!
Next Steps Expand YCCC receive antenna array Webinars and training Investigate new technology and refine the station Recruit more ops – fill the schedule! Continue to have fun!
TEAM W4AAW Behind the scenes Paul N4PD John W5ODJ (w/XYL) Jeff K0ZR
Team w4aaw wants you! We have room for YOU! We are looking for experienced contest ops who are serious about contributing operating time in the major contests Will do full efforts in most CQ WW and ARRL events Emphasis is on learning and fun – but we want to win too! More info at Join the fun / madness! Fill out the application here: Or contact Mike , Rowland or any team member We have room for YOU!