What is a policy? Statement of intent Course of action in terms of way a service or resource allocation is structured and delivered
DEFINITION A Social Policy is any policy that regulates the organisation and delivery of services or resource allocation in the society in which it has been developed
AREAS OF SOCIAL POLICY Income/Employment/Benefit(Idleness and Want) Health (Disease) Housing (Squalor) Education (Ignorance)
Multi-disciplinary subject containing elements of: Sociology Politics Social history International studies Economics Philosophy Psychology Cultural studies.
WHERE DOES SOCIAL POLICY COME FROM? British Government EU Welsh Government Other national devolved governments
WHO INFLUENCES SOCIAL POLICY? Government ideology EU Media Pressure groups Electorate Influential organisation (JRF) Health/Social Care professionals
WHAT DOES IT AFFECT? Attitudes, beliefs & values Practice Services Social structures Lifestyle Future policy
Specific Well-being or needs. education tenvironment health, income housing transport leisure penal policy personal social services.
Media discussed electronic tagging of offenders student fees women’s experiences of health services provision for refugees housing provision for young people anti-social behaviour orders and curfews
Actions (or inaction) of a range of organisations and agencies The World Health Organisation European institutions, Central government, Scottish Parliament Welsh Government, Local government, Voluntary organisations and charities Businesses, Local communities, Organised interest groups and families. + media
Importance for Health and Social Care Broader strategy behind organisational roles Problem defining/solving Life affect
Choices Involve Politicians Managers Professions Public who should provide for people in need what level of resources are needed how those resources should be spent. Politicians Managers Professions Public