Dell OEM Overview of Introductions Based on your feedback and our initial conversations, today’s topics will include Your needs Overview of Dell OEM team How we’ll turn Dell products into YOUR products Confidential
Dedicated resources and capacity Dedicated OEM engineers 250 custom projects annually 250+ sales/support team Deep, broad experience 40+ industry verticals 12 year track record 2,000 OEM customers Global reach Owned support in 180 countries Worldwide fulfillment model Country-specific regulatory expertise OEM-capable products Standards-based products Access to full Dell portfolio Leverage Dell’s buying power Dell OEM business unit is the best-kept secret about Dell! Abundance of resources available to you Dell OEM doesn’t sell into the IT environment, we work exclusively with companies – like yours – to help you build your own products and solutions My role is to work with you, in a continuous exchange, to help you easily access Dell’s resources to meet your specific needs Because we’ve been in operation for 12 years, we have substantive experience working with >2,000 customers in more than 40 verticals Global operations in 180 countries: Manufacturing AND Proven support infrastructure to meet your needs Now have OEM versions of most of our products – massive benefit for customers, who get reliability and quality of off-shelf + customization and flexibility to make Dell products your own.. Global footprint – we become your virtual infrastructure Flexible services In-factory customization Online parts dispatch Mission-critical support Confidential
with you? What do these people have in common So, as we discussed before this meeting, your needs are…. (sales team provide advance “homework” findings regarding customer’s needs..) Confidential
No room for error. Product quality Complex logistics Continuous change management Growing support and services demands Every customer is different, but often face common issues.. (Sales should query the customer here..) What are your best practices, in these areas? How do you manage / handle Product quality? Logistics? Services and support? Change management? Do you also face challenges in these areas? If you’re using an ODM or contract manufacturer, managing logistics can become a costly headache.. Product quality is the reason Google came to Dell Services and support: if you’re expanding internationally, this can be a big challengte If working with multiple vendors, it’s hard to keep track of their rev / new product cycles.. If you’re working with HP or IBM, they may be forcing you to pre-commit to forecasts, which could change significantly.. Confidential
innovation execution Balance with Our goal at Dell is to help you with strong execution, so that you have time to focus on out-innovating your competition… Confidential
Support/ Lifecycle Mgmt Ship Source Warranty Innovation Support/ Lifecycle Mgmt Manufacture Fulfill Test/Verify Every customer is different, and customers come to Dell OEM looking for different things Which aspects of your value chain do you want to discuss? Logistics Confidential
Do what you do best. Innovation The good news is that you can leverage Dell for specific pieces of your value chain, or you can leverage Dell for all of it I think of the process on three levels Leveraging Dell OEM to your advantage “Bending” Dell OEM to get what you need “breaking” the model, so that you and Dell OEM share the risk / reward It can work on any level My job is to fully understand your needs, so that you can do what you do best – innovate! – and let Dell focus on execution.. Confidential
Become YOUR Products How Dell Products I mentioned earlier that my job is to help you figure out how you can leverage Dell products and services to your full advantage.. Let’s talk more about that now, in detail.. Confidential
Depth and breadth Any product in Dell’s extensive portfolio can be used in an OEM solution Multi-generation lifecycle management maps to customers’ product cycles Dell has a tremendous portfolio for you to leverage.. And we’ve been doing this for OEMs for years: Example: we’re in our 12th generation of servers! The “big guy” competitors – HP & IBM – have nothing like this depth / breadth of products that can be configured to specific OEM needs I know that you mentioned interest in (sales person to discuss customer’s specific interest..) But are there other projects / products that you might be interested in? Confidential
Assess Engage Fulfill Support Dedicated OEM-focused organization Needs analysis Evaluation units Engineering Test/Dev Engage Solution design Long-/extended-life Custom branding and engineering Configuration Dedicated OEM-focused organization Custom solutions built to your specifications Global capabilities Fulfill Procurement Order management Global contract/pricing Manufacturing Inventory management Support Global field/phone support Parts depots Remote management Installation deployment Hardware support services We begin the product transformation process by understanding your best practices, and assessing your needs From there, we develop an engagement model that includes Your desired customizations Statement of work Project schedule and schedule of tests We then move into fulfillment issues Helping you to source parts and components Defining and specifying the ordering process Manufacturing strategy And Inventory management And we can do this – not only for a Dell-specific product – but also for other aspects of your solution, so that you have the benefit of leveraging Dell’s own supply chain to lower your product and manufacturing costs across your entire solution Regarding support: we can help implement a global infrastructure tailored to your business needs Includes field / phone, parts, installation – all aspects of support The entire process is made possible by Dell OEM’s foundation Dedicated organization for OEMs Custom solutions built to YOUR needs Global reach and capabilities
We can build YOUR solution on Dell standards-based hardware Dell OEM solutions serves over 40 verticals including: Defense Healthcare Medical imaging and data analysis Industrial automation Point-of-sale/kiosk Security and surveillance Telco/communications Media/gaming Custom appliances With more than 12 years of experience across 40 different verticals, Chances are, we understand your issues and can build your solution on Dell standards-based hardware What’s more, if you’re looking to enter new verticals, we can also help you there, because we probably have direct experience in that too!
Customization example Custom fulfillment services (CFS) Image load Outside custom labeling Custom box Direct shipment Manage suppliers Coordination of multiple suppliers Quality requirements for suppliers Global services Field support W/W help desks W/W depots Design Testing Reliability Shock&vibe Manufacturing/ custom factory integration Load BIOS Add 3rd party cards Painted chassis Add labels User manuals OEM engineering Custom BIOS Regulatory Custom bezel How we transformed this server for Google is a great example of the depth and breadth of customizations that are possible with Dell OEM Most people don’t realize what’s possible And while this is an “extreme” customization example, it’s good for you to know what’s actually possible…. But remember: this server goes through the same rigorous manufacturing process, quality tests and reliability vetting that ANY Dell server undergoes So you get the best of both worlds Your product, your way, but with peace of mind of a proven, mass-produced product..
You: rapid innovation OEM: Do what you do best. Dedicated OEM focused organization Custom solutions built to your specifications You: rapid innovation Global capabilities So, I hope you have a clear sense of what makes Dell OEM different And how we can help you. Based on three key attributes Dedicated organization with deep expertise Agility and flexibility to customize our products based on your needs Global reach, to meet the unique needs of your business Confidential
Let’s talk. Today. Thanks for our introductory discussion, and let’s take the next steps of figuring out where we go from here Get more folks in on this discussion….