POLITICAL PARTIES Callie Balut, 2018 Party Year Description Ideological Parties --- Views radically different from major parties. Ex. Socialist, Communist, Libertarian, Green One-Issue Parties Seek a single issue; avoid other issues. Ex. Women’s, Free-Soil, and Prohibition parties Economic-Protest Party Protest against depressed economic conditions (typically farmers.) Disappear as conditions improve, Ex. Greenback and Populist party Factional Parties From split in major party, often over the candidate. Ex. “Bull Moose” Progressive Party, States’ Rights “Dixicrat” Party, Reform Party Republican Party 1854 - present Anti-slavery, small government, laissez-faire capitalism, low taxes, “Grand Old Party” Federalist Party 1791 - 1825 Strong/central gov., pro-Constitution, central bank, tariff system, neutrality in war Democratic Party 1828 - present Support slavery, opposed civil rights reforms support minorities’ civil rights, big gov. Libertarian Party 1971 - present Self-reign/authority over individual lives against traditional federal/state/local governments Democratic-Republican Party 1792 - 1825 Founded by Thomas Jefferson. Believed in agrarian-based, decentralized, democratic government. Original “Republican” party, strong central gov., supported loose interpretation of Constitution but opposed to Federalists who supported ratification it. Green Party 1984 - present Promotes environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice, social equality, anti-war/racism Whig Party 1834 -1854 Involved in sectional antagonism, pro- religion, service; anti-”King Andrew” Jackson Constitution Party 1992 - present “Integrity, Liberty, Prosperity!” pro-Declaration, Constitution, Bill of Rights Reform Party 1995 - present ”Honesty, Leadership, Real Solutions” Founded by Ross Perot. Called for campaign reform, congressional term limits, balancing federal budget, overhauling health care/income tax systems, restrictions on lobbying.