Drugs in America HW: finish drug articles and questions by next week if you did not do so already (5pts)
Federal“War on Drugs” Could argue that actually started in 1880 when U.S. and China agreed to stop opium shipments 1914 – Harrison Narcotic Act restricts access to opiates Alcohol prohibition from 1920-33 1937 – Marijuana Tax Act requires $1 tax on distribution of marijuana 1951 – Boggs Act results in stricter penalties for marijuana use. Gateway drug theory founded. Term actually coined in 1971 by Richard Nixon Main goal of program is to disrupt production and shipment to raise prices Hope that high price results in discontinued use 1973 – Drug Enforcement Agency founded. Some federal drug laws created. Rockefeller drug laws appear
Why does the Government care? Health of citizens a concern Heath care costs Healthy people essential for strong country Productivity Motivation to achieve and work hard Ability to do job well Unemployment Drug-related crimes Impact on the family unit Trickles down into everything else International impact
Health of Citizens
A purpose of government is to protect its citizens… Faces of Meth Even when its from themselves
Chemicals in meth (example of dangers) Substance Form Exposure Acetic Acid Liquid Skin, Eyes, Inhalation Acetic Anhydride Ammonia Gas, Liquid Benzyl Chloride Hydroiodic Acid Methylamine Gas, Liquid, Solid Perchloric Acid Phosphine Gas Eyes, Inhalation Sodium Metal Solid Skin, Eyes Sodium Hydroxide Liquid, Solid Thionyl Chloride Substance Form Exposure Acetone Liquid Skin, Eyes, Inhalation Benzene Benzyl Chloride Chloroform Ethanol Ethyl Ether Freon Hexane Isopropanol Methanol Petroleum Ether Pyridine
International impact Worldwide potential drug production, 1998–2001 (in metric tons) Drug 1998 1999 2000 2001 Coca Total Coca 586,100 613,400 664,200 655,800 Bolivia 52,900 22,800 26,800 20,200 Colombia 437,600 521,400 583,000 583,000* Peru 95,600 69,200 54,400 52,600 Opium Total Opium 4,486 4,280 5,010 1,236 Afghanistan 2,340 2,861 3,656 74 Pakistan 66 37 11 5 Subtotal SW Asia 2,406 2,898 3,667 79 Burma 1,750 1,090 1,085 865 Laos 140 210 200 Thailand 16 6 Vietnam 20 15 Subtotal SE Asia 1,926 1,247 1,316 1,086 Subtotal other countries 154 135 27 71 Cannabis Total Cannabis 15,800 11,200 14,500 14,900 Mexico 8,300 3,700 7,000 7,400 4,000 Other 3,500
Drugs and Crime – Decision making Percentage of State and Federal prison inmates who reported being under the influence of drugs at time of their offense, 1997 Type of offense Federal prison inmates State prison inmates Total of all inmates 22.4% 32.6% Violent offenses 24.5 29.0 Murder 29.4 26.8 Negligent manslaughter * 17.4 Sexual assault 7.9 21.5 Robbery 27.8 39.9 Assault 13.8 24.2 Other 15.9 Property offenses 10.8 36.6 Burglary 38.4 Larceny/theft Motor vehicle theft 39.0 Fraud 6.5 30.5 16.4 30.6 Drug offenses 25.0 41.9 Possession 25.1 42.6 Trafficking 25.9 41.0 17.1 47.1 Public-order offenses 15.6 23.1 Weapons 24.4 22.4 8.1 23.3
Addiction = Need for money Percentage of Federal and State prison inmates who committed their offense to obtain money to buy drugs, 1991 Type of offense Federal prison inmates State prison inmates Total of inmates 10% 17% Violent offenses 18 12 Homicide 3 5 Sexual assault 2 Robbery 27 Assault 6 Property offenses 9 Burglary 32 30 Larceny/theft 13 31 Fraud 7 25 Other 8 14 Drug offenses 22 Possession 16 Trafficking 10 20
Costs to society In 2000, Americans spent: $11 billion on marijuana $36 billion on cocaine $10 billion on heroin $5.4 billion on methamphetamines $2.4 billion on other illegal substances Total cost of illegal drugs to society: ~$160 billion Source: justice department report on economic costs of drug abuse
Stats according to National Drug Control Strategy Budget Summary 2000 Additional costs Incarceration of drug law offenders = $30 billion Court costs = $15 billion Police protection = $9.1 billion Productivity losses+ ~$80 billion Stats according to National Drug Control Strategy Budget Summary 2000
Drug Use Today Past illicit drug use, 2001 Respondent age Ever used Past year Past month 12–17 28.4% 20.8% 10.8% 18–25 55.6 31.9 18.8 26–34 53.3 16.1 8.8 35 or older 38.4 6.3 3.5 Source: National Household Survey on Drug Abuse. Drug use among high school seniors, 2002 Drug Ever used Past year Past month Amphetamines 16.8% 11.1% 5.5% Cocaine 7.8 5.0 2.3 Crack 3.8 1.2 Hallucinogens 12.0 6.6 Heroin 1.7 1.0 0.5 Inhalants 11.7 4.5 1.5 LSD 8.4 3.5 0.7 Marijuana/hashish 47.8 36.2 21.5 MDMA (ecstasy) 10.5 7.4 2.4 Methamphetamine 6.7 3.6 PCP 3.1 1.1 0.4 Steroids 4.0 2.5 1.4 Source: Monitoring the Future Study
Trends http://nation.time.com/2013/09/06/baby-shroomers-and-the-heroin-spike-6-surprising-trends-in-americans-drug-use/ Dependence: