Career Name An Occupation in (Cluster) Your Name Teacher’s Name Class Period Date
Job Description What is the job description of your career? List at least three details.
Interests Describe and list the interest area that aligns with this job
Tasks List three typical duties and responsibilities for this job
Necessary Skills and Abilities Describe and list 3 transferable skills necessary for this job
Knowledge Describe and list at least three courses that are required for your career.
Education Identify job zone number and degree or degrees required for this job
Colleges List three colleges that offer degrees/certification for your career.
Salary What is the starting salary for your career? What is the salary for experienced workers in your field?
Job Outlook In what year will you be ready to begin your career? How many jobs are available that year?
Similar Careers List three similar jobs related to your career.
Webliography Properly cite all of the sources you utilized in researching this presentation.