This amphibian can allow most of its body to freeze during the Winter and thaw in the Spring. Golden Dart Frog Spring Peeper Tad Pad Dad Leopard Frog Cane Toad Water Holding Frog
Living in a hot desert this animal can drink up to 30 gallons of water at a time and will not sweat until its body temperature reaches 106 degrees.
Clownfish Catfish Electric Eel Stingray Hairy Frogfish Pufferfish In Ancient Greek, this fish’s venom was often used to numb dental patients. Clownfish Catfish Electric Eel Stingray Hairy Frogfish Pufferfish
This hungry carnivore can eat up to 60 pounds of meat in on meal.
Lunar Moth Skipper Praying Mantis HoneyBee Hornet Monarch Butterfly This insect only lives for a week, never eats, has giant wings, and is a favorite snack for bats. Lunar Moth Skipper Praying Mantis HoneyBee Hornet Monarch Butterfly
When encountering a male of its own species this desert reptile will fight it until one is flipped on it’s back – which could lead to death for this reptile.
Answers 1. 2 2. Snow Leopard 3. Camel 4. Howler Monkey 5. Stingray 6. King Cobra 7. Tiger 8. 1 9. Hedgehog 10. Desert Tortise