AP Macroeconomics
Macroeconomics Advanced Placement Course Description The purpose of the Macroeconomics AP course is to give students a thorough understanding of principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. This course is for qualified students who wish to complete studies equivalent to a one-semester college introductory Macroeconomics course. The course places particular emphasis on the study of national income and price determination and also develops students’ familiarity with economic performance measures, economic growth and international economics. The following topics will be covered in depth: Basic Economic Concepts, Measurement of Economic Performances, National Income and Price Determination, Economic Growth and International Finance, Exchange Rates and Balance of Payments.
The AP Macroecon0mics Class New text book- Krugman- Module based Students need to budget time. Work ahead to keep up with the work Check “School Wires” for any work that needs to be made up- student responsibility!! Book is kept at home to keep up with their work PowerPoints, Reffonomics, Khan Academy used in class. Homework driven! Review of Homework on a daily basis
Grading Policy 75 % Major assessments- Exams/Projects 18% Homework 7% Quizzes, Classwork, Class Participation Each marking period will be 40% of final grade. Final exam is 20% of final grade. Use a Macroeconomics exam as final.
The AP Macroeconomics Exam Reviews begin in February 2018 Prepare to take AP Macro exam in May Goal is to earn a 4 or 5- Gain college exemption