West African Kingdoms
I. West African Kingdoms A. Ghana 600 -1200AD 1. Did not mine gold or salt 2. The first of the gold/salt trading empires of West Africa
4. Declined when they were attacked 3. Taxed gold, salt, and other goods that passed through its kingdom and became very rich due to its location (between the Sahara, the main source of salt, and the gold fields of the Senegal River to the south. 4. Declined when they were attacked by North African desert people (conflict). 5. Polytheistic religion – belief in many gods.
Located in an area of gold mines B. Mali 1200 – 1325 AD Located in an area of gold mines on the upper Niger River 2. Expanded the gold/salt trade as a result of their newly acquired kingdom (Ghana). 3. Mali located on more fertile lands than Ghana. Rice, Millet, Yams, and beans provided an abundant food supply.
4. Mansa Musa became the richest leader in Africa. His wealth came from taxes (gold/salt) as well as from tribute. Very generous ruler – gave away gold 5. Musa takes a pilgrimage to Mecca & brings back Muslim scholars. He turns Timbuktu into a center of Muslim learning (becomes the heart of Islam in Africa). Timbuktu
6. Mansa Musa would turn his efforts to converting the people of Mali to the teachings of Islam at Timbuktu. 7. The decline of Mali came w/the death of Mansa Musa. The Royal family competed with one another for power. This weakened Mali. Next comes
Took over the gold/salt trade w/ C. Songhai 1450 – 1591 AD Took over the gold/salt trade w/ the fall of Mali “always conqueror, never conquered.” 2. Founder Sunni Ali (fearless warrior) captured the city of Timbuktu from Mali in 1464. He later expanded the kingdom by adding Ghana and other lands.
3. Askia Muhammad would take over after Sunni Ali & would become the most important leader in their history. 4. Like Mansa Musa he was a follower of Islam & he would also take a trip to Mecca and bring back more scholars.
5. This would expand Timbuktu’s popularity as an Islamic learning center. By the 1500s the city would have three universities. 6. Fell to invaders from Morocco who fought w/guns and cannons (the latest weapons at that time). (Technology and Conflict) This officially ended more than 600 years of West African empires.