Retail Store Marketing
What are we doing here? Who I am I? Welcome! Marketing taught through the retail-eye. Have fun. Learn a lot. Who I am I? Mrs. Slatin: your Retail tour guide Marketing Geek Bits about me: teacher, mom, dog-mom What I love: food, music, concerts, my family, dogs, travel
Course Overview Units: Introduction to Marketing Economics Intro to Marketing Market Segmentation & Marketing Mix Store Training Visual Merchandising Branding Promotion Market Research Retail Project: create your own retail business idea
Learn marketing/business and practice those skills in our “retail lab”: The Maple Tree. Enroll in Retail Store Management next year to earn math-related credit and work in the store! Must have successfully completed taken Retail Marketing. In the store: Trained by store management Work in store near the end of the trimester Apply what you have learned in class
Staying Organized Class Box- materials/handouts Check Powerschool: every week. After two weeks what happens? Turn in No name papers. One week. Leaving the room Cell phones Late work Make up work Staying Organized
Redemption Points: (aka Extra credit) School picture (5 pts for underclassmen, 10 pts for seniors) Magazines- up to 10, 1pt each. (school appropriate magazines) School Spirit or Professional Dress (every Friday- 2 pts.) Cool Marketing Stuff- To Be Determined by your explanation! (1 max, 10 points) Positive Thoughts- 2 points on any work turned in for a grade. “Retail Marketing has changed my world and I look forward to hearing Mrs. Slatin’s dry sarcasm and uncanny wit every day.” = 2 pts Marketing Guest Speaker- 40 point (must pre-schedule with teacher 2 weeks in advance) Field Trip Opportunity for Marketing- 100 points (must pre- scheduled with teacher 2 weeks in advance) Redemption Points: (aka Extra credit)
Course Expectations Take a risk and problem solve Be honest Be creative Be open to new ideas from others Work hard Make your own weather Don’t ruin the bus ride for others Make your own weather! Don’t ruin the bus ride for everyone
Bottom line- the big No’s No phones during teacher instruction! We are learning to run a business- be professional and care about the impression you make on customers and others.
Marketing Class Expectations and Standards Within one minute of the 2nd bell, students will be ready to learn, engaged, and respectful of our class community. Phones away, backpacks on floor, materials for the day ready and out. Talking when other students or the teacher are talking to the class is not an acceptable class standard. Colleges and your future employers expect this as well OR your future employees when we all work for you! Daily: Marketing Class Expectations and Standards
How do you find me outside of class? Email: Bslatin@Birmingham.k12.mi Xblock Tuesday- in this room or the Business Tech Office Outside of school: Target, walking my dogs, middle school mom uber How do you find me outside of class?