Vietnam Education system overview Population: 78 mil. Education system: Pre-school: Schools: 9,715 Children: 2,547,430 Teacher: 145.934 General Education: Schools: 25,811 Children: 17,796,998 Teacher:710,506
Vietnam Education system overview Professional Secondary Education: Schools: 268 Pupil: 389,326 Teacher:10,247 Higher Education: Training college: Schools: 121 Students: 215,000 Teacher: 11,215
Vietnam Education system overview University: Schools: 81 Students: 805,123 Teacher: 27,393
Workshop for capacity building for monitoring and evaluation of education development plans Bangkok, 24-29 November 2003 Country presentation 1.Capacity building for provincial level to implement National Action Plan of EFA 2003-2015 in Vietnam 2. Develop a National Management Information System for Non-Formal Education (Continuing Education) in Vietnam
Capacity building for provincial level to implement National Action Plan of EFA 2003-2015 in Vietnam Training at provincial level for implementing Action Plan of EFA 2003-2015 Information collection from districts Data entry Building database Database analysis Making plan following Unesco model
Develop forms for data collection Develop a National Education Management Information System for Non-Formal Education (Continuing Education) in Vietnam Develop a education indicators for Non-formal education system in Vietnam Develop forms for data collection Provide training at district level for collecting information
Build up database system Tools for analysis at each level Develop a National Education Management Information System for Non-Formal Education (Continuing Education) in Vietnam Build up database system Tools for analysis at each level Integrate lower level database system with higher level database system
Develop a National Education Management Information System for Non-Formal Education (Continuing Education) in Vietnam Country needed Regional and Sub-regional training, study tour on planning, monitoring, evaluation, EMIS… UNESCO help to organise national training workshops UNESCO provide to help a centre of EMIS at centre level and some centres at provincial and district level Software and hardware assistance Data processing
We would like to host pilot project Develop a National Education Management Information System for Non-Formal Education (Continuing Education) in Vietnam We would like to host pilot project Subject areas in need of strengthening Knowledge, experience and skills on EMIS Software and hardware assistance