Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education FIRE CARRIER Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education
FIRE Carrier The FIRE Carrier Project is an initiative of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and the Opening the Doors Foundation to promote Reconciliation in Victorian Schools.
The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry Vision To be perceived as an Aboriginal Community recognised for its commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples having their rightful place in the Church and the wider Community. Inspired by the Gospel, we are committed to the dignity of each person to open hospitality, to truth- telling about dispossession and to be a place of connection. We work for Reconciliation, in partnership with those who believe that there can be an alternative to the present order.
The Opening the Doors Foundation Addressing the severe educational disadvantage still being experienced by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, by providing assistance so that they are able to choose and successfully maintain a positive educational environment for their children. To empower and support Aboriginal families to make choices in educational opportunities for their children; Help open the doors of independent educational institutions in Victoria; and Be a model of self empowerment and determination by responding directly to needs of its own community.
Fire is at the Heart of Aboriginal Culture It represents the spiritual connection between individuals to Mother Earth and Ancestors; It is around fire that Dreamtime stories are told and laws taught; It is used for smoking the people and the land when gathered for important ceremonies; And so it is fire that represents the learning, teaching and your schools journey towards Reconciliation.
The 3 Core Values Spirituality Cultural Recognition & Awareness Spirituality - represented by the Campfire - Learn, teach, share etc see slides Cultural Recognition & Awareness – represented by the Message Stick – showing cultural recognition – flying flags etc see slides Practical Reconciliation & Justice – represented by Journey - Walk the journey together, put learning’s into practice etc see slides Cultural Recognition & Awareness Practical Reconciliation & Justice
Spirituality Learning Aboriginal spirituality and how it aligns with Catholic identity; Being familiar with and using materials in liturgy, learn and understand rituals and meanings, engage in cultural emersion; Teach and learn the true Aboriginal story and incorporate Aboriginal perspectives in curriculum; Use the message stick during reading of the Word and school masses, use the fire liturgy, para- liturgy, Acknowledgement of Country, create an Australian identity during the time of advent.
Cultural Recognition & Awareness Recognising cultural perspectives and demonstrating awareness through things such as; Flying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags; Equipping Libraries with an Aboriginal section available to all students; Making strong relationships with local Elders and inviting local Elders to Welcome visitors to Country at significant events; Supporting ACM initiatives.
Practical Reconciliation & Justice Realising Practical Reconciliation & Justice through various opportunities such as; Ensuring your school is involved in activities within the Aboriginal community; Participating in Reconciliation week activities; Partnering OTDF through fundraising; Building right relationships with Aboriginal people through celebration days, hosting traveling exhibitions, being socially just & aware.
Becoming a FIRE Carrier A student is elected annually in the same way as other school representatives; If your school has a social justice group or Reconciliation committee they can collectively become FIRE Carriers; A member of the ACM will invite the FIRE Carrier to undertake the duty at the inaugural school assembly & the FIRE Carrier will be presented with the flame; The FIRE Carrier will represent students on the schools journey to Reconciliation and educate the school community about the local Aboriginal story.
Walk the Journey, Carry the Fire Let the knowledge of Aboriginal culture and history ignite the Reconciliation fire inside you. Carry the burning coals of Reconciliation and educate your community. Use your hands, feet and heart to travel the journey and carry the fire. Sign your school up to become a FIRE Carrier today, complete an Expression of Interest Form and return to Felicity at Opening the Doors Foundation or contact the Foundation on 9443 9070.
Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education FIRE CARRIER Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education