Some churches operate as though… The Pastor is the performer The Congregation is the audience God is the prompter
What should it be? The Congregation is the performer The Pastor is the prompter God is the audience
Human ego needs God discerned vision
CHANGING LANDSCAPE: Away: Churches are hypocritical Churches impose doctrine and morals Churches are meddling in politics Churches are vitriolic/toxic on moral issues Churches are out of touch Churches are boring
CHANGING LANDSCAPE Towards: Conversation and dialogue: Informality Acceptance and belonging Meaningful generativity (make a difference) Peace – Poverty -- Planet Mystical encounter with Holy Connection to sacred natural world Do Justice – Love Kindness – Walk Humbly Tradition – not Traditionalism
Introducing the New LOCAL CHURCH PROFILE Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization (MESA) Team, September 2016
Three Questions to Advance the Calling of the Church WHO Are we Is our neighbor Is God calling us to become Compare to Alice Mann and Gil Rendle: Holy Conversations
Benefits of New Local Church Profile Questions selected by prayer and research, volunteer MESA Working Group 2015 Churches experiences dynamic discernment Questions from the past and present lead to future Both narrative and data Thorough, honest, and distinctive Pastors sense direction and permission Leadership for a purpose Partnership together toward God’s future
Table of Contents
1. Do It Anytime With current leadership Over time learn from changes Discover/assess direction Over time learn from changes Recommended every 3-5 years Not just in times of search and call Yes, it’s an option to start the main section ahead of ministerial transition Draw on a retiring minister’s energy within appropriate boundaries During an interim Often the whole Local Church Profile will be completed during an interim time
2. Do the Profile In the Best Order Church Answers: WHO Are We? WHO Is Our Neighbor? WHO is God Calling Us to Become? Final Document Reads: WHO God is Calling Us to Become WHO We Are Now WHO Our Neighbor Is
3. Maximum Participation!! Governing Body or standing vision group OK Search Committee OK Transition Team can be strategic, to lead a season of involvement by the entire community! Transition Team Use discoveries already made in the above process Add Position Posting, References for new minister Begin confidential small-group process of discernment around candidates Search Committee 6-12 months 6-12 months
Transition/Advance Team Does not have to be the Search Committee Understand and interpret/champion process to the whole congregation Involve the whole community in preparing the Local Church Profile Use: Diversity exercises, neighbor engagement, ministry assessment, demographic study, wider church connections Use: Story-telling, worship, history, Appreciative Inquiry, church survey
Search Committee Finish references, consent Position posting including Scope of Work Establish group consensus and criteria Prepare interview questions using church profile Based on what you have learned about who your church is, who your church’s neighbor is, and who God is calling the church to become, describe four areas of excellence from The Marks that your next minister will display to further equip the congregation’s ministry in these areas
Timeline Designed to be done in a year 6-12 month process to prepare 6-12 month process for the search Kairos time Discernment and holy surprises “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Peter 2:8 “For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night.” Psalm 90:4
Conference Support for Search Process Types of pastorate Settled / Supply / Designated-Term / Intentional Interim Compensation and costs See Call Agreement Workbook Timeline Customized Clarify covenantal expectations Church Profile validation Posting on UCC Ministry Opportunities Use of Ministerial Profiles and Snapshot
Conference Support for Church Profile UCC Data Hub 11-Year Report MissionInsite Demographics Welcoming Diversity Inventory IS the LCP appropriate for every church? Local Church Profile adds value for most churches Local Church Profile is critical for the discernment of any pastor considering a Designated-Term or Settled commitment If the Local Church Profile is not a valuable experience for the church, and if that church is not seeking a Designated-Term or Settled minister: Proceed with Position Posting only for supply or interim LCP can be done during an intentional interim or after the supply minister arrives
Interim Minister Toolkit Local Church Profile Link 5 focus points to 3 sections of the Profile 11-Year Report MissionInsite Report Ministerial history and Financial information Narrative/AI/worship activities throughout Profile Welcoming Diversity Inventory PDF Call Agreement Workbook 4 types of pastorate Congregational life cycle adaptations Preparation for the next pastor
Role of the Intentional Interim Pastor Discussion Hello / goodbye / loss / change / transition / anxiety / creativity / humor / health / adaptation John Keydel (2015) “The focus points – Heritage, Mission, Connections, Leadership, and Future – offer a way for congregations to reflect on those [3] questions and prepare for a meaningful and productive future.” The work of the interim: “The real work of the intentional interim minister is to facilitate and coach, guide and support the members and leaders of the congregation as they engage the focus points.” Scenarios After trauma or misconduct After no-change-for-a-long-time After cyclical conflict Congregations want to know ‘why interim?’ and ‘when are we done?’ Grief work v. Adaptive work… Health v. Preparedness
Theological Practice What questions did Jesus teach people to ask? Does transition always become transformation? Which spiritual disciplines on our part will help the Spirit lead us?