CAPACITY BUILDING: HIV POSITIVE TEACHERS IN KENYA AIDS2006 Toronto, August 13-18th 2006 Margaret Wambete Kenya Network of positive teachers – KENEPOTE
The Challenge: Teachers Key to prepare next generation to fulfill Kenyans’ aspirations Unknown HIV status continue to infect others and Fail to educate children about HIV HIV positive teachers are among teachers Stigmatized, disrespected, humiliated, transferred, fired, abandoned and discouraged
The Response: KENEPOTE Unites HIV + teachers in Kenya to fight HIV, its impact, stigma & discrimination Promotes access to care and treatment Provides alternative to despair by offering opportunities to make a difference Inspires, offers comfort, hope to those without a voice
KENEPOTE: Mayor Milestones Birth in 2004, registered as a local NGO First national consultative forum of HIV+ teachers Membership increased from 30 to over 3000 active volunteers by mid 2006 Active network of facilitators/speakers to educate teachers, parents, children and community Produced case book for advocacy, mobilization and training in stigma reduction Teachers reinstated, elected as union officials, transferred less, in media, and some public and supported in schools and teachers union
KENEPOTE: Allies Teacher Service Commission Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Ministry of Education & Technology (MOEST) UNESCO USAID POLICY/Health Policy Initiative USAID Leadership, Management & Sustainability Project (MSH)
KENEPOTE: Where are we now A thriving and growing network of volunteers 16 districts support groups; 9 provincial representatives Expanded mission to support OVCs Joint task team with teachers’ union and employer (TSC) to address human rights violations Active education and advocacy campaign (TV and radio interviews Sensitized 40000 teachers and 130000 community members Knowledge and attitudes of teachers and employer has shifted Other countries are starting to copy KENEPOTE model
Next steps Increase support for teachers and children Expand pool of volunteers Strengthen local chapters
Next Steps (cont’d) Expand basis of support for KENEPOTE Network with sister countries to help set up local KENEPOTE chapters Show impact KENEPOTE has made in lives of teachers and their children
KENEPOTE Clap: Thank You