Construction Crafts Quality Network QDS John Laing Gathering Work Evidence for SVQ Portfolio Friday 11th November 2016 Hello and welcome – My role today is to Facilitate a workshop on how the work place portfolio evidence is gathered and assessed – by apprentice /training provider / College lecturers who are require to assess and IV each Mandatory SVQ unit as part of the competence based evidence against the NOS , not the PDA which is completed through the Taps in college. How is this done – the methods used ( Good Practice ) in gaining the evidence and what discussions are had with the candidate to ascertain if the evidence is robust enough to meets the criteria for the mandatory SVQ units NOS . 1
Gathering Work Evidence for SVQ Portfolio How Recording forms are used by SVQ candidates Methods of gathering evidence from the workplace Portfolio Types of evidence candidates can provide against each mandatory unit Professional discussions - Lecturer / Apprentice PDA TAP's - how they could be used for simulation. CREW's reviews for WBE The role of the Management Agents and Training Providers Recording forms for SVQ mandatory SVQ units who is using these or a version that collects the evidence – CREWS can still be used but will be withdraw for the SVQ Work place Recording Evidence form. Methods of gathering evidence does not need to be through a visit to observe the candidate in the Work place evidence needs to clear and is the candidate own activity but, it must be signed off and witnessed by supervisor or line manager – a blended evidence method should best using several methods as indicated above – simulation should only be used if the candidates cannot produce practical evidence on site , if candidates cannot produce the evidence it could be cross referenced for the PDA units competed during college Professional discussions – is the evidence specific to each SVQ Mandatory units PDA Taps – can evidence be used to assess a practical svq that the candidate cannot complete on site Crews can they still be used for evidence The role of the MA and the TP – partnership engagement – 2
Workshop 1 - Gathering Work Evidence for SVQ Portfolios To be carried out in Verification Groups. 1. Appoint a Group Leader. 2. Appoint a scribe. 3. Discuss the questions and complete one response for your Group 4. Return your response to the Presenter. Work shop 1 specific questions to discuss - Pick a leader Appoint a scribe could be same person Discuss the questions and complete responses Return to me 3
Gathering Work Evidence for SVQ Portfolios. Work shop 1 1. Outline the main issues you have encountered gathering the work evidence and reviews and how you overcome them. What IT solutions can be adopted to gathering evidence from apprentices for the Recording forums or CREWs. Describe how you have overcome any issues with gathering supervisors and apprentices signatures. 4. List any other issues or concerns -giving possible solutions
5 Discuss in groups – feeding back Discussion 15 minutes – feedback 5 minutes per group 5