Estimation of condition of small scale water-supply systems in Georgia By M. Lashkhauri (1), M. Grdzelishvili (1), N. Gabriadze (2), R. Kobakhidze (1), K.Dadiani (1) “G. Natadze Scientific-Research Institute of Hygiene, Sanitary and medical Ecology” (www. “National Center for Disease Control and Public Health” ( Actuality results only 26,0% of 55 examined samples of drinking waters from Dusheti and 20,1% of 205 samples from Marneuli were within prescribed standards. Microbic contamination, particularly the existence of common coliforms bacteria, E. coli and St. faecalis, was basically fixed in the 60% of samples. Organoleptic, natural salt composition and chemical indicators of epidemic safety of drinking waters in the villages of Telavi Municipality correspond to the requirements of the technical regulations for drinking water. Microbial contamination of drinking waters was fixed in 56% of samples, which increases the risk of spreading of infectious intestinal diseases, caused by water. Thus, hygienic and technical condition of small scale water-supply systems is basically unsatisfactory; water-supply sources are unsafe; zones of sanitary protection are not arranged; the existing water-purifying constructions are technically uncontrolled and water preparing technologies are old; water-pipes are not equipped with proper purifying/disinfecting systems; in most cases rules of water disinfection are broken; routine monitoring of drinking water quality is not carried out at the small scale water-supply objects. The sources of drinking and household water-supply of the country consist of underground (72%, including river filtrates - 13,5%, subsoil waters - 27%, springs - 31,5% ) and surface waters (28%). One of the high priority questions for the country is to estimate the quality of drinking water and the condition of small scale water-supply systems, to determine, to estimate and to control risk-factors, having an influence on them, and to reduce diseases carried through water. There are 1500 registries centralized water-supply systems that provide water for 70% of population There are 4000 small scale water-supply systems, including more than 850 village water-pipes that provide water for 30% of population. Materials and Methods Results of Microbiological compliance to National Standards Methodology - analysis of water quality in Dusheti and Marneuli was carried out according to recommendations of WHO and Federal Agency of Environmental Protection of Germany - "Fast estimation of drinking water quality", the indicators were chosen according to their influence on the health. The quality of drinking water was estimated in 126 water-supply systems in Dusheti and Marneuli that provide water for 60 000 people, which is 37,2% of population; the drinking waters in the villages of Telavi Municipality were examined according to requirements of "Technical regulations of drinking water" (Resolution N58 of Georgian Government, January 15,2014); samples were taken from the different points of water-supply system, from water storage reservoirs (head works), from the water-pipe systems laid on in the houses, from the wells, springs and house containers (waters, stored in reserve). 422 samples were examined in the total. The examinations were carried out on the base of accredited test laboratory of LTD Scientific Research Institute of Sanitary, Hygiene and Medical Ecology, water samples were taken and examined according to accredited methods. District Results of organoleptic, microbiological and chemical compliance to National Standards The number of samples Compliance ,% Dusheti 55 26 Marneuli 205 20,1 Conformity of E. coli- to National Standards and WHO GV Recommendations To introduce the routine on-site monitoring and inspection of the drinking water quality of small scale water-supply systems and to set the laboratories of appropriate control. To strengthen the work with population in order to increase level of getting information. to work out regulating normative documents giving implementation mechanisms of arrangement and protection of small scale water-supply systems; to introduce water safety plans, to estimate risks and to introduce approaches to risk control in appropriate laws.