“How To” Help the 2017 VAP Hello! Thank you for your help to get the word out about the 2017 Vocation Awareness Program. All of the tools you will need to maximize VAP awareness at your assigned Parish(es) are included in this document. Instructions on displaying the VAP poster & business cards Instructions on sharing content from the VAP Facebook page Instructions on accessing Resources on vapinfo.org For any questions regarding the VAP, contact John Quin, 2017 VAP Director at extexquin@gmail.com. For questions regarding VAP advertising materials, contact Pat Kempf, pkempf@moroch.com or 214-912-2056.
Displaying Poster & Business Cards Each parish will receive posters and business cards for display. Posters are to be used on bulletin boards and business cards are to be displayed and/or passed out after mass. Ask permission to place posters at church exits and make them available in the vestibules and/or central meeting rooms now through the June 4th weekend.
How to Share VAP Facebook Content The VAP has it’s own Facebook page! www.facebook.com/dfwvap/ Please help us spread the word, by sharing our content (bible verses, event reminders, participant quotes, etc.). How to share our posts: First, like our Facebook page! Log into your parish Facebook page and like the DFW Vocation Awareness Program From there, find a post you would like to share on our page, click “Share” and post it to all your followers. We will be posting weekly, so please keep checking back and share our posts often. The more people we can reach the better!
How To Access VAP Resources All of the materials to help promote the VAP are included in the “Resources” section of the VAP website. How to access the Resources page Go to www.vapinfo.org/Resources This is a hidden page so it’s not accessible to the public The only access into the page by visiting this URL directly Available Resources include: Documents Bulletin artwork & Copy Parish Talk Copy VAP PowerPoint for use in Parish Talks Parish Contact Report Images VAP logo files VAP Poster VAP Business Card Vocation Information Parish Contact Information Serra Club Leads