JACoW 2005 Team meeting Frascati Laboratory 14 to 18 November 2005
Quality Assurance relating to Contributions to the Proceedings Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz EPAC Conferences Coordinator SPMS Administrator JACoW Secretary 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meeting
Purpose To ascertain that each .pdf file processed by the Editors in the first round of processing meets all criteria and can be OK’d for electronic publication This activity may be carried out during or after the conference This activity is preferably carried out when the Editors are in possession of hard copies of contributions provided by contributors for the purpose of comparing the original with the processed version 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting
OK for Publication … An OK for publication requires that a certain number of database flags are set to green Contribution has been presented (only contributions presented at the conference are published in the proceedings - posters must be posted, manned, and meet the quality criteria - manuscripts of contributions to the proceedings are not considered “posters” Electronic files meet publication criteria (see later) 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting
OK for Publication If the QA is carried out during the conference, where a “dotting board” provides the feedback to authors, the dots assigned to the processed files must match the result of the QA - I.e. if a previously green dotted contribution does not pass QA, and it is re-set to yellow or red in the database, the dot on the paper needs to be changed so the paper can be re-filed, and the dotting board updated Matt - does the system generate e-mails to contributors on processing status - when papers are processed, dotted, QA’d? 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting
Editor’s Page / Paper Final QA The QA Editor (Database rôle) selects a paper to QA from a pull down menu and clicks “submit” - only green dot papers are proposed (since red dot papers may be re-submitted) The following screen comprises: The programme code and title of the contribution The calculation field of co-authors The name of the Editor who processed the paper A pull down list to select an result: QA Complete - Paper OK QA Failed - Reassign paper to me QA Failed - Assign red dot (allows re-upload) A pull down list containing a total number of pages - to be checked A text box to enter comments A link to download the .pdf file The full log showing the “history” of the contribution 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting
Example … THPLT134 Beam Based Vacuum Measurement at the Fermilab Recycler Ring Authors Martin Hu, Daniel Robert Broemmelsiek, Alexey Burov, John P. Marriner, Sergei Nagaitsev, King Yuen Ng (Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois) Editor Jan Chrin Select an Action (Pull down list) Total Pages (box with an editable digit) Comments (Optional) (box for entering comments if necessary) View PDF Submit File Upload - Links to retrieve the .pdf file Paper Log … 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting
Paper Log Paper Log Edit Complete [Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz 22-JUL-04ハ16:47] qa'd paper and moved title and author list up in pitstop. uploaded new .pdf.・ File Uploaded [Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz 22-JUL-04ハ16:46] THPLT134.PDF・ Final QA Failed [Jan Chrin 22-JUL-04ハ16:46]・ Paper Re-assigned [Jan Chrin 22-JUL-04ハ16:46]・ Paper Re-assigned [Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz 22-JUL-04ハ16:46]・ Final QA Passed [Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz 22-JUL-04ハ16:46] moved title and author list up and will upload new .pdf.・ Poster Police [Andreas Adelmann 09-JUL-04ハ08:43] Poster Posted, Poster Manned, Poster Not Satisfactory, Picture Taken. paper copy, picture #46・ Paper Copy Received [Sue Waller 08-JUL-04ハ16:46]・ Edit Complete [Cathy Eyberger 08-JUL-04ハ14:05] Author needs to proofread the paper; source was edited to remove Type 3 fonts. Paper was QA'd as a yellow dotted paper. Original source file was edited but author did not proofread the paper nor was an author copy of the paper provided. 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting
QA Editor Actions Click on “View PDF” to download the file resulting from the initial processing by the Editors Verification criteria are: The number of pages is the same as in the database The title is the same as in the database The list of authors and affiliations on the paper are the same as in the database (optional) Submitting authors can (and do!) “forget” to ensure that the co-authors and corresponding affiliations entered into the database at the time of abstract submission still correspond to the final submission It is essential that this data be correct since it is used for the author index and for the TOC calculation field (co-authors sorted by affiliation in alphabetical order) Contacting submitting authors to create missing profiles is complicated and can be time consuming - and thus this part of QA may be best left to one of the last QA activities once all contributions are final … 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting
QA Editor Actions All pages of the document display in less than 5 seconds and without error Check the margins once more: should be 595 x 792 pt - viewable in the bottom Acrobat toolbar Look carefully at the text and check equations and figures for strange or bad fonts Compare the hard copy with the printed version produced from the .pdf file 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting
Result of Actions QA Complete - Paper OK The Editor Screen records QA Complete and the Editor can click on the link QA Next paper to return to the QA Editor Screen and continue QA Failed - Reassign Paper to Me This option is used if the contribution requires further work that can be executed by the QA Editor. The contribution is re-assigned to the QA Editor who may then return to the Editors’ Page and select the .ps, word or .pdf files to correct errors, and then re-select for Final QA QA Failed - Assign A Red Dot This option is used if the contribution does not meet criteria and the author should re-submit the contribution (only possible with a red dot). The author needs to be informed via e-mail and paper and the dotting board (if used) updated 14-18 November 2005 JACoW 2005 Team Meteting