10 Things you need to know BEFORE middle school! By: Mrs. Resler
Are you ready? Middle school is right around the corner. Mrs. Resler wants you all to be successful in middle school. Check out her TOP 10 success tips for middle school, based on “Middle School Keys to Success” (Pathways 2 Success, 2016) Pay attention because you will be doing a fun project with Mrs. Resler based on this lesson. Click here to go back to the discussion slide
Number 10
Sleep well! Teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep at night (Pathways 2 Success, 2016). This is a long time away from your phone and Xbox, but you can do it! The more you sleep, the sharper you will be for your Xbox game the next day (or catching Pokémon). If you guys aren’t playing Xbox anymore, insert whatever you are doing. Your dear counselor is out of the loop, but she tries. Click here to go back to the discussion slide None listed. (n.d.). [Cat sleeping with do not disturb sign]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from http://www.tensionnot.com/pictures/Cat/Do-Not-Disturb-A-Sleeping-Cat
Number 9
Eat right! Your brain needs the right foods to function properly. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Caffeine (found in coffee, soda, and energy drinks) can make you jittery and make you feel even more tired when it wears off. Click here to go back to the discussion slide None listed. (n.d.). [Husky Eating Cracker]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCctmiJJunsnasKCKZsjAOww
Number 8
Do your homework. Really. Just do it. “Making it a habit to do your homework each night will help you practice skills and be ready for quizzes and tests. It also helps to show your teacher that you care, which may come in handy when you need his or her help” (Pathways 2 Success, 2016, p.3). Click here to go back to the discussion slide None listed. (2010). [You Shall Not Pass]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCctmiJJunsnasKCKZsjAOww
Number 7
Pay attention in class. Using class time wisely will help you get better grades and have less homework. You will be switching classes so you need to pay attention. Your middle school teachers will not be chasing you down to collect assignments. You need to turn them in when asked during class. Click here to go back to the discussion slide None listed. (2015). [Michelle confused]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from https://www.pinterest.com/explore/funny-teacher-memes/
Number 6
Get involved Research shows that students who are more involved in school activities are more successful (Pathways 2 Success, 2016). Getting involved in activities will help you make new friends and get to know your community. Click here to go back to the discussion slide None listed. (2010). [Volunteers with their hands together]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from http://www.pridesource.com/article.html?article=44774
Number 5
Think positively. Sometimes school will get hard. Remember our growth mindset activities. You CAN do hard things! Visit your middle school counselor ___________ when you first encounter the problem, whether you are having trouble in class or you have a social problem. Your school counselor is there to help you! Click here to go back to the discussion slide Scapinachis, P. (n.d.). [Happy face surrounded by sad faces]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photos-happy-smiley-sad-ones-image10619228
Number 4
Ask for help (early and often). Do not, I repeat, DO NOT wait until the end of the semester to ask your teacher about grades. Check your Engrade daily. If you are having trouble understanding something in class, ask your teacher for help right then! They will be glad you are trying to understand the material. Click here to go back to the discussion slide Weird Nut Daily. (n.d.). Human, I request your assistance [Digital image]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from http://www.weirdnutdaily.com/960
Number 3
Stay Organized Write down homework in a consistent place daily. Pick out a time each day (morning or evening) to get your notebook/binder organized. Keeping things organized will leave you more time for sports and hobbies. Click here to go back to the discussion slide None listed. (2013). [Overwhelmed Teenager]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from http://www.theparentreport.com/2013/11/helping-disorganized-preteens/
Number 2
Make Goals Decide what you want to get out of middle school now! Make goals for yourself and plan how you will get there. We will be making vision boards next counseling session. Be thinking about how you envision your future. Click here to go back to the discussion slide None listed. (n.d.). [Post It Note]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from http://stager.tv/blog/
Number 1 Click the megaphone to hear the drum roll!
Take Risks As middle schoolers you will begin to figure out who you are and your place in the world. Be brave and take some risks! Don’t be afraid to talk to students who went to other elementary schools or to try out for a new team or activity. Click here to go back to the discussion slide None listed. (2014). [School of fish]. Retrieved July 18, 2016, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/230771
Group Discussion Mrs. Resler wants you all to be successful in middle school. Let’s talk about what that might look like! What does success mean to you? Do you consider yourself successful right now? Why or why not? How does a person become successful? What do you think you need to do in middle school to be/stay successful? Need a review? Click a number to return to that success tip: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Giving credit where credit is due… Background Pictures by: Moss-Marlow Builders Co., Inc. Moss-Marlow Builder Co., Inc. (n.d.). [Commercial Construction]. Retrieved July 17, 2016, from http://www.mossmarlow.com/category/projects/commercial- construction/ The Top Ten Tips are based on “Middle School Keys to Success” by Pathways 2 Success. Pathways 2 Success. (2016). Middle School Keys To Success. Retrieved July 17, 2016, from https://www.dropbox.com/search/personal?path=/Counseling Resources&query=middle school&preview=MiddleSchoolKeystoSuccess.pdf