Latest Developments in Competition Supervision Juhan Põldroos Head of Supervisory Department
Competition Division From 01.03.2008: Head of Division Supervisory Department Merger Control Department Number of departments has decreased from four to two In Competition Division there are 17 employees, whereas in the old Competition Board there were 33 employees
Supervisory Department Employees 11 Administrative procedures 32 Misdemeanor procedures 1 Criminal procedures 6
Latest proceedings Examples of most important sectors: Public procurements Waste management Trade Water supply Card payments
Fight against cartels I Fight against cartels is the number one priority of supervision During the last half of year we have started six proceedings concerning possible violations of section 400 of the Penal Code.
Fight against cartels II Leniency!? At present it is possible to stop the proceedings concerning the person who is the first one to inform Competition Authority about a cartel. That possibility is regulated in the State Prosecutors guidance letter of 12.04.2007.a nr RP-1-4/07/3. New amendments to Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and Competition Act are being prepared, which would provide a more transparent leniency program with higher guarantees to the applicant.
Thank You! Juhan Põldroos Estonian Competition Authority tel 667 2450