TeraTech http://www.teratech.com
Welcome to CFUN-02 Michael Smith President TeraTech, Inc ColdFusion, Database & VB custom development and training http://www.teratech.com 800-447-9120 http://www.teratech.com
Introduction Thank you! Speakers Organizers and Volunteers CFUG Managers Sponsors And yourself! http://www.teratech.com
Great speakers http://www.teratech.com
Great software ColdFusion MX Tag based <CF…> </CF…> Separate files with hyperlinks HTML by default Extensible – CF and CFX tags CFCs, UDFs Standards: HTML, SQL, J2EE http://www.teratech.com
ColdFusion MX Friendly CF language Java engine, import java tags CFCs, better functions Web services Flash remoting Easy XML processing “Compiled” http://www.teratech.com
Great Communuity The CF Community! CFUGs Conferences Speakers Listserv – CF-talk “Users helping Users” http://www.teratech.com
Great Goodies Printed program CD-ROM CFUN surveys T-Shirts Prizes – raffle tickets, survey and sponsor card CF Jeopardy game http://www.teratech.com
We are Guests here… No food or drink in auditorium No smoking inside Pick up litter So we can come back next year! :-) http://www.teratech.com
Thoughts for today… Learn Share Have FUN! http://www.teratech.com