Situation nutritionnelle dans la région Groupe Régional Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition 07 avril 2016 Situation nutritionnelle dans la région
Prise en charge de la Malnutrition Aigue Sévère Résultats finaux Sahel 2015 OTP & IPF 2015 Nber HC with SAM treatment to date Estimated SAM burden 2015 (harmonized methods) Targeted SAM admissions 2015 (annual target caseload) TOTAL SAM ADMISSIONS to date % target to date Burkina Faso 1,658 149,000 119,000 119,979 100.8% Cameroon 675 77,627 67,380 66,231 98.3% Chad 493 154,400 156,200 101.2% Gambia 19 10,217 5,620 6,790 120.8% Mauritania 557 33,757 28,694 19,869 69.2% Mali 1,307 181,000 136,000 150,923 111.0% Nigeria (11 states) 723 461,236 345,927 397,221 114.8% Niger 922 368,114 357,463 97.1% Senegal 1,379 68,647 54,918 39,147 71.3% TOTAL 8408 1,503,998 1,280,053 1,313,823 102.6% Estimation du « burden » MAS ? Garenne et al. 2009; Isanaka et al. 2010; nouvelles publications 2016 ? Nécessité d’ études spécifiques par pays / zones
Prise en charge de la MAS Tendances des admissions au Sahel (2010 – 2015)
WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA REGION Prise en charge de la MAS - 2015 Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (20 pays) NEW SAM ADMISSIONS WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA REGION Sahel Non-Sahel 2010 504,265 479,083 25,182 2011 797,010 594,713 202,297 2012 1,195,082 914,133 280,949 2013 1,396,335 1,112,869 283,466 2014 1,530,047 1,187,302 342,745 2015 1,770,297 1,313,823 456,474
Malnutrition aigue Severe - 2016 COUNTRIES Estimated Burden of SAM in 2016 (children 6-59m) Nutrition Cluster Targeted Caseload (children 6-59m) BURKINA FASO 152,127 121,702 CAMEROON 71,433 64,255 CHAD 325,154 176,889 GAMBIA 10,437 6,251 MALI 179,929 134,947 MAURITANIA 27,123 21,376 NIGER 441,118 400,794 NIGERIA 612,809 480,377 SENEGAL 86,026 68,821 TOTAL SAHEL 1,906,156 1,475,411 Benin 44,300 6,645 CAR 38,999 29,249 Congo 21,777 6,533 Cote d'Ivoire na DRC 2,469,243 300,000 Ghana 89,619 44,809 Guinea 81,296 44,624 Guinea Bissau Liberia 39,884 21,274 Sierra Leone 30,529 24,424 Togo 28,904 11,562 TOTAL NON SAHEL 2,844,551 489,121 GRAND TOTAL 4,750,707 1,964,532
Programmatic Coverage Prise en charge MAS – Q1 2016 SAHEL 2016 - IMAM Follow Up Last Update 6-Apr-16 COUNTRY IPF # new admissions OTP # new admissions SAM NEW ADMISSIONS ESTIMATED BURDEN MAS Treatment Coverage TARGETED CSL MAS Programmatic Coverage Burkina Faso 840 10,684 11,524 152,127 8% 121,072 10% Cameroon - 71,433 0% 64,255 CAR 393 1,899 2,292 38,999 6% 29,250 Chad 128 7,000 7,128 325,154 2% 176,889 4% Gambia 187 459 646 10,437 6,251 Mali 2,224 13,274 15,498 179,929 9% 134,947 11% Mauritania 38 1,720 1,758 27,679 21,723 Niger 3,457 32,962 36,419 441,118 400,794 Nigeria 19,119 612,809 3% 480,377 Senegal 86,026 68,821 TOTAL 7,267 87,117 94,384 1,945,711 5% 1,504,379
Focus Nigeria + Cameroon: (Nutrition Survey, October 2015, validated results – final report on finalization) Worrying increase of GAM rate in Far North region (affected by Nigeria crisis). Increase in GAM rate in Adamaoua to be monitored even if below emergency threshold. Far north surpassing Emergency threshold for SAM
Focus Nigeria + Chad: (National Nutrition survey Oct. – Nov. 2015 – Preliminary results) Clear emergency situation in all Eastern, Western and Northern Chad – Border with Soudan and regions around Lake Chad. Serious degradation since last year and last survey. 7 regions out of 20 surpassing emergency threshold for GAM and 12 regions out of 20 surpassing emergency threshold for SAM.
Prevalence of GAM in Children 6-59 months by Zone Focus Nigeria Prevalence of GAM in Children 6-59 months by Zone - Moderate Acute Malnutrition (WHZ <-2 & >=-3, no oedema) - Severe Acute Malnutrition (WHZ<-3 and/or oedema)
The proxy prevalence of GAM has decreased in most of the IDP camps in 2016 compared to last year similar time, however ,there is an increase in the prevalence in 3 IDP camps as well. The drop in the proxy prevalence of GAM in GGC, Dalori and Bakasi is extremely high and this needs to be interpreted with caution.
The proxy SAM prevalence in all camps drops compared to similar period last year, except in Snda Kyarimi IDP camp where it remains similar. The drop in prevalence of SAM in Farm center, Dalori, GGC & Bakasi is extremely high and it needs to be interpreted with caution.
Admission by Year & LGA, Borno State In 2014 the CMAM program was operational in 75 health facilities In 2015 the program was scaled up to 5 new LGAs and a total of 114 HF, however, due to insecurity the program was closed in 5 LGAs and we lost 29 sites In 2016 the program is continued in 14 LGAs while the 6 LGAs remains closed. There is a plan to expand the program in the state by April 2016.
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