CGS Ground School Pilot navigation ATC procedures © Crown Copyright 2011 No Part of this presentation may be reproduced without the permission of the issuing authority. The views expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the MOD.
ATC procedures Airspace is divided into 7 classes: Of these 7 classes 3 are not of interest for NIC flying: Class A - VFR flight not permitted. (eg Airways, London TMA). Class B - No class B airspace in the UK. Class C - In UK comprises airspace between FL195 and FL660.
ATC procedures The remaining 4 classes of airspace are available for Vigilant navigation sorties:
ATC procedures Class D (eg MATZ, East Midlands CTA and CTR) VFR flight permitted in VMC. (Below 3000 ft - viz 5km, clear of cloud and in sight of the surface) ATC clearance required. ATC provide information on all other aircraft. Separation not provided. Non-radio equipped aircraft not permitted.
ATC procedures Class E (eg Scottish and Belfast TMA) VFR flight permitted in VMC. ATC clearance not required. ATC provide service. Separation not provided. Non-radio equipped aircraft permitted
ATC procedures Class F and G are not controlled airspace and are the same for VFR traffic. VFR flight permitted in VMC. ATC clearance not required. ATC service provided only on request. Non-radio equipped aircraft permitted.
ATC services There are three types of service that an ATC unit can provide that are of interest during NIC sorties, one of these for when flight through controlled airspace is required and two for flying outside of controlled airspace:
ATC services Radar Control (RC) Aircraft are given mandatory instructions. However, VFR aircraft will be asked to transit the airspace either directly or via a reporting point and instructed to maintain VMC. The pilot is to advise the controller of level or heading changes that are made to maintain VMC. Due to the flight being in VMC, the pilot is to remain responsible for terrain and collision avoidance.
ATC services Basic Service The controller will pass information pertinent to the safe and efficient conduct of flight. This can include weather, changes of serviceability of facilities, conditions at aerodromes and general activity information within a unit’s area of responsibility. The service provider doesn’t require a radar. The pilot remains responsible for collision and terrain avoidance. No traffic information will be passed unless inside an ATZ. Pilots may change level provided an agreement is not established with the service provider.
ATC services Traffic Service A Traffic service contains the information available in a Basic Service. In addition, controllers provide surveillance derived traffic information on relevant conflicting traffic. Headings or levels may be issued for positioning or sequencing. Prior to providing this service the controller will identify you and subsequently provide information on relevant conflicting traffic that will come within 3nm and 3000ft. This information will be passed no later than 5nm away and may not include traffic passing 1nm behind. If the hazard persists, the controller will continue to transmit updates. The pilot remains responsible for terrain and collision avoidance.
ATC services The UK is covered by a number of overlapping radar units which provide a Lower Airspace Radar Service (LARS). For NIC sorties the LARS is to be used if possible for either a basic service or traffic service.
Typical RT procedure for a NIC sortie. 1 Typical RT procedure for a NIC sortie.
Syerston, S20 changing to East Midlands 134.175 S20 roger Syerston, S20 changing to East Midlands 134.175
East Midlands Radar, Syerston 20 Syerston 20, East Midlands, pass your details
Syerston 20, basic service, squawk 3601 East Midlands, Syerston 20, military motor glider 2 miles north west of Bottesford, heading 330°, 2500ft on 1013, navex Bottesford, Ollerton, Ripley, Bottesford, request basic service Syerston 20, basic service, squawk 3601
Basic service squawk 3601, Syerston 20 Syerston 20, request your altitude on the Barnsley 1010, report turning at Ollerton
2400ft on 1010, report turning at Ollerton, Syerston 20
Syerston 20 turning at Ollerton Syerston 20, roger
Syerston 20 looking Syerston 20, East Midlands, traffic in your right 1 o’clock on a reciprocal heading, last reported at 2000ft, report in sight
Syerston 20 visual with the traffic
Syerston 20, Syerston in sight Syerston 20, report Syerston in sight
Squawk 7000, change to Syerston 125.425, Syerston 20 Syerston 20, roger, change frequency to Syerston 125.425 squawk 7000
Syerston, S20 back on frequency Syerston 20, roger, runway 24, QFE 1013
24, 1013, Syerston 20
RT PROCEDURE: 2 Radar handover.
Squawk 4061, Syerston 20 Syerston 20, squawk 4061
Doncaster radar 126.225, Syerston 20 Syerston 20, Continue with Doncaster radar on 126.225
Doncaster radar, Syerston 20 with you squawking 4061 Syerston 20, Doncaster radar roger, identified, basic service, Barnsley 1010
Basic service, Barnsley 1010, Syerston 20
RT PROCEDURE: 3 MATZ Penetration.
Waddington zone Syerston 20 Syerston 20, Waddington, pass your details
Syerston 20, basic service, squawk 3601 Waddington zone Syerston 20, military motor glider, 2 miles East of Newark, 2500ft 1012, Navex Newark, Louth, Humber Bridge, Newark, request basic service and MATZ penetration. Syerston 20, basic service, squawk 3601
Basic service, squawk 3601, Syerston 20 Syerston 20, MATZ crossing approved, fly at 2500ft on the Waddington QFE 1008, report leaving the MATZ
MATZ crossing approved at 2500ft on 1008, report leaving the MATZ, Syerston 20
Syerston 20 leaving the MATZ Syerston 20, roger, the Barnsley 1010 report turning at Louth
Barnsley 1010, report turning at Louth, Syerston 20
RT PROCEDURE: 4 Emergency call.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Waddington zone, SYERSTON 20, SYERSTON 20, SYERSTON 20. SYERSTON 20, Waddington, your MAYDAY is acknowledged pass your details.
Mayday SYERSTON 20, 12 miles South of Worksop, Hdg 025, descending through 2500 ft, Military motorglider, 2 POB, Engine fire, Intend immediate field landing. SYERSTON 20 roger…….. All stations stop transmitting MAYDAY in progress.
RT PROCEDURE: 5 Urgency call.
Syerston 20 roger pan. Pass details when ready. ? Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Waddington zone, Syerston 20. Syerston 20 roger pan. Pass details when ready.
? Pan Syerston 20, Unsure of position, Last known position 2 miles South of Worksop 15 minutes ago, Hdg 165, 2500ft 1012. Military motorglider, 2 POB, Request vectors to Syerston overhead. Syerston 20 your position is 14 miles North West of Newark. For Syerston turn right heading175.
? Turn right heading 175 Syerston 20 Syerston 20 Syerston is in your 12 o'clock range 17 miles. Advise airfield in sight.
? Looking Syerston 20
Golden rules All of the above are examples of RT but the following rules must always be applied: 1. Listen for other transmissions before you speak. 2. Think about what you want to say before you begin transmitting. 3. Read back all instructions, clearances, frequencies and altimeter settings. 4. You are not receiving a service until the ATC unit tells you what service he is providing. 5. Avoid courtesies (Good morning etc).
THE END Any Questions?