RUSSIA / Moscow June 5th – 9th 2017 FRENCH TECH TOUR 2017 RUSSIA / Moscow June 5th – 9th 2017
Guidelines La présentation doit être faite en anglais. Le contenu doit suivre la trame proposée ici pour une meilleure lisibilité des dossiers (6 slides maximum). Pensez à vos lecteurs : faites une présentation claire et synthétique. N’oubliez pas de remplir la fiche de contacts (dernière diapositive).
Company name and logo
Introduce briefly your company (1 slide max) Who you are ? (1/6) Introduce briefly your company (1 slide max) History Offices Capital structure and stakeholders Management team Key figures Current business and footprint in France, abroad and in Russia
Which problem are you solving ? (2/6) Identify the problem you are solving !
About your product / solution (3/6) Explain what makes you different ! Insist on your competitive advantage(s) !
Give some figures about the market size and explain : Value proposal (4/6) Give some figures about the market size and explain : what your business model is ? Current status and progress What you need from the investor ? What you’re planning to do with the money you’ll raise
Objectives / Targets (5/6) Please explain the objectives of your participation to the French Tech Tour Russia List down or detail the profile of the targeted companies you would like to meet (partners and / or clients)
References (6/6) List some of your customers’ references ! You can add client testimonials and videos !
Contact details Name and surname Tel and e-mail Website Social networks