CNS DEPRESSANTS Drugs: alcohol, tranquilizers, cough medicine, GHB Effects: slows down reaction time, decreases heart rate and blood pressure
CNS STIMULANTS Drugs: cocaine, ecstasy, diet pills, caffeine, nicotine, meth aphetamines Effects: increased heart rate and blood pressure, elevate mood, suppress appetitne, hyper
OPIODS Most addicted and deadly drugs Drugs: heroin, opium, oxycotin, morphine, codeine, methodone Effects: euphoria, pain suppressant, vomiting, itchy, lower blood pressure & heart rate
HALLUCINOGENS Drugs: mushrooms, LSD, DIP (embalming fluid), angel dust Effects: hallucinations, flashbacks, hear things, feel things, self-awareness
CANNABINOIDS Drugs: marijuana, hashish (THC is the active ingredient) Effects: increased appetite, kills memory cells, constricts pupils, cotton mouth, relaxes body and mind
INHALANTS Drugs: glue, white-out, gasoline, aerosole sprays, paint Effects: dizziness, ringing in the ears, lose consciousness, slur speech