African Empires Before European Exploration Using trade to gain wealth, Ghana, Mali and Songhai were Africa’s most powerful kingdoms.
West African Kingdoms The continent of Africa was rich in resources. West Africa had both fertile soils and valuable minerals, especially gold and iron. Trade routes have connected Africa and the Middle East for hundreds of years. Over time, trade developed between regions of different resources. Trade and abundant resources led to the growth of several great kingdoms in West Africa.
Map of West African Kingdoms Before 1400 AD
The Importance of Trade
Kingdom of Ghana Historians believed the Kingdom of Ghana began as a farming community sometime around 300 AD. Threatened by outside invaders, these farmers banded together to create Ghana. Important location-close to the Sahara Desert trade routes. Had an abundance of gold to trade. Used gold to trade for salt. Gold and salt led to the start of the kingdom. Developed an army that used weapons made from iron. Controlled African trade by 800 AD. Made even more money as they taxed people who entered Ghana.
Importance of Islam in Ghana Trade routes brought the people of Ghana in contact with traders of the Middle East. This contact with the Middle East brought the religion of Islam into Ghana. Islam begins c.600 AD in the Arabian peninsula. Muslims spread the religion across the Middle East and North Africa. By c. 1060 AD, the Almoravids attack Ghana to convert kingdom to Islam. The empire was cut off and eventually collapsed. Islam is still strong today in West Africa.
Kingdom of Mali Location north of Ghana close to the Niger River. Fertile soil and the river helped the Kingdom of Mali to farm and trade with other areas. Rise of Mali is due to their leader, Sundiata, who won their independence through the conquest of neighbors such as Ghana. However, their most famous ruler is Mansa Musa who brought the Kingdom of Mali to its height of wealth, power and fame.
Kingdom of Mali c.1200 AD
Mali Empire
The Kingdom of Mali
Mansa Musa The Richest Person in History (1312-37)
Why Is Mansa Musa So Important?
Islam in West Africa Mansa Musa believed that everyone should read the Qur’an (Koran). Mansa Musa believed that everyone should be able to read and write in Arabic. Mansa Musa believed that schools should be established to teach this to the people of the kingdom. He built mosques in the major city of Timbuktu. Soon after the death of Mansa Musa, the Kingdom of Mali disappeared but the influence of Islam still remains.
Songhai Empire Songhai Empire was conquered by the Mali Kingdom and Mansa Musa. Just like the Mali and Ghana Kingdoms, the Songhai were located along the Niger River. Around 1400 AD, the Songhai Empire replaced Mali as the most powerful kingdom of the region. Kingdom led by Askia the Great (Muhammed Ture). Songhai had major cities such as Gao and Timbuktu as well a complex society that valued education. Askia also had a strong central government as well as a powerful army. Declined in strength when they were conquered by the Moroccans.
Map of the Songhai Empire
Songhai Empire
Askia of Songhai