Jeff Mendoza Aeroacoustics TC Chair


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Presentation transcript:

Minutes of the Aeroacoustics TC Meeting 5 January 2016, San Diego, CA 7:00 PM Mission Beach A Jeff Mendoza Aeroacoustics TC Chair Minutes Prepared by Stewart Glegg, Vice Chair

Agenda AIAA Governance: John Evans, AIAA BOD AIAA Updates: ASG, Rob Vermeland/AIAA Governance Update Approval of Aviation 2015 TC meeting minutes (prepared by Stewart) Meetings Updates Aerospace Science and Technology SciTech 2016, San Diego, CA. (Jeff Peters) 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Lyon, France (Daniel Juve) Aerospace Science and Technology SciTech 2017, Grapevine, TX. (Eric Nesbitt ) Aeroacoustics Award Committee, Nomination Committee Do’s and Don’ts Student Paper Competition (Srinivasan Arunjatesan and Cliff Brown) Lessons Learned from 2015 /Collection for 2016 Sub-Committee Reports: Membership, Web, Liaisons, Other TC Member Assignments Other Topics

In Attendance Jeff Mendoza (Chair) Stewart Glegg (Vice Chair) Stephen Rizzi Doug Nark Phil Morris Xiaodong Li Joseph Yen Chuck Royalty Cliff Brown Jeff Peters Srini Arunajatesan Vose Alonso Nathan Murray Vladimir Golubev Dennis McLaughlin Tony Pilon Krish Ahuja

AIAA BOD Presentation/ John Evans John Evans gave an update on the AIAA Governance Redesign Initiative Under the new structure a 9 member BOD will have the power to change the By-Laws. The BOD will be elected by a House of Delegates, which is elected by the general membership from different constituencies. Concerns were raised by the TC members regarding the increased power of the AIAA BOD in this new structure and what the new By-Laws will include. The concept of a BOD elected by a House of Delegates, who are elected by the general membership was considered reasonable but the details need to be presented to the AIAA membership before they are required to vote on this issue.

AIAA Updates: ASG, Rob Vermeland/AIAA Governance Update Rob Vermeland's presentation is attached It was reported that there were 4000 at SciTech AIAA finances have improved over the last year and new initiatives are now possible It was suggested that people should be given an incentive to vote, such as free registration to the next SciTech meeting Members of the TC emphasized the importnace of engaing the membership in the AIAA decision making process 2017 Aviation meeting will be in Denver A representative is needed at the Aviation 2016 meeting to represent the TC at the organizational meeting for Aviation 2017. Concerns were raised about the small rooms at the conference

Approval of Aviation 2015 TC meeting minutes The minutes of the TC meeting at AVIATION 2015 were approved

Meetings Updates

SciTech 2016 Aeroacoustics Session – Jeff Peters 44 abstracts reviewed (~3 reviewers per paper) 37 final manuscripts accepted (84%) Six rejections Only 1 request for feedback One abstract was a sales pitch presentation One withdrawal Four manuscript deadline extensions (9 days) No late papers, no cancellations Six sessions, no concurrent, Mon-Wed Consolidated topics to reduce partial technical sessions Two additional sessions categorized under Gas Turbines on Thurs Joint Topic designation should be considered for next year

SciTech 2016 Aeroacoustics Session Thoughts so far Excellent attendance (50+) for first session, room completely full (too small?) 13 aeroacoustic papers were submitted to GTE (Chaired by Guillermo Paniagua) Review Call for Papers to avoid future conflicts? Influenced by AFRL request? “Combined session” idea never got started Late request to schedule these on Mon-Wed couldn’t be accommodated Thank you to volunteer reviewers (20 experts) and session chairs!

AIAA/CEAS 2016 - Lyon, France No major changes for the Lyon conference up to now (slides from Dallas are still OK) Received quite a large number of abstracts (around 430); review of abstracts is due Jan. 4 and acceptance will be sent to authors in the first half of Feb. Registration on AIAA website as usual (fees to appear soon) Updates and information posted on the dedicated website maintained by 3AF Working on establishing Plenary speaker

22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference Lyon, France, May 30-June 1, 2016 Submission of extended abstracts October 31, 2015 Administrative Chair Daniel Juvé Ecole centrale de Lyon AIAA Technical Co-Chair William Devenport, Virginia Tech. CEAS Technical Co-Chair Denis Gely, Onera

1 plenary room 500 pax (3 plenary talks) 8 to 9 parallel sessions Up to 450 participants 2 coffee breaks per day 1 buffet lunch per day (on site) Social events: welcome cocktail (Monday) & gala dinner (Tuesday) Structured sessions/ Panel sessions (during main conf.): Fan Broadband Noise (John Coupland / Ed Envia) Virtual Acoustic Simulation (Steve Rizzi, Vastcon TWG) Banc-IV workshop (Meelan Choudhari): Day 4 (June 2) 1 room 100 pax

SciTech 2017: Technical Chair: Eric Nesbitt Nothing new to report, Eric will liase with Jeff Peters

Awards Sub-Committee

AIAA Aeroacoustics Award is based on Scientific Merit and Engineering Contributions Relevance of Work to the Scope of the Award AIAA Service

Aeroacoustics Award Process Nominations: via AIAA with eligibility and nomination requirements Aeroacoustics Award Subcommittee (AAS) for the 2015 consisted of 6 members from academia, government and industry. All are AIAA members and three are former recipients of the Aeroacoustics Award. The AAS Chair has a history of evaluations and selections results for 3 years, which were made available to the AAS members to ensure consistency from year to year. For 2015, there are 8 full nominations including carryovers. Decision must be made and submitted to AIAA Director of Aeronautics by 4/1/2015. Nomination files have been reviewed by the AAS and discussed in a conference call last November. AAS has established that we have an award-worthy pool of candidates. Final decision will be made after a second conference call scheduled for mid-January. Discuss the role of the Nomination Sub Committee: Should the members sponsor nominees? At the present time this decision was left to the individual committee members. Concerns were raised about the process for choosing the members of the awards subcommittee. A working group (Stewart Glegg (chair), Phil Morris, Krish Ahuja and Dennis McLaughlan) was set up to draft alternate proposals on the selection process for the awards committee membership, for discussion at the TC meeting in Lyon.

Education Sub-Committee

Student Paper Award: Process Students Register For Competition When Submitting Extended Abstracts Entrants Must Be Students As Of The Previous Year’s (2014) Aeroacoustics Conference Many Students Are Affiliated With Industry, National Labs Etc. – Open Issue Full time versus part time students, decision not to act Written Paper Submitted Approximately Two Weeks Prior To The Conference Manuscript Submission Deadline, this requirement weeds out many papers Allows For Detailed Review Of The Written Papers Prior To The Conference Greatly Reduces The Number Of Competitors Oral Presentations Review Committee Members Attend Presentations To Evaluate Review Committee Meets After All Student Presentations To Determine Overall Winner

Student Paper Award: Evaluation Aeroacoustics 2015 Statistics 27 abstracts submitted, 9 final papers, top 4 finalists for presentation portion Student Papers Are Scheduled On First 3 Days Of The Conference – All papers Mon.-Wed. morning Evaluation based on written paper and oral presentation, Thanks to everyone who reviewed papers! Need Volunteers – Thanks to presentation review committee! Written Paper Criteria (35 Points) Relevance of Topic 2 Understanding of Topic 3 Technical Content and Derivations 10 Quality & Originality of Research Grammar and Prose 8 Completeness Oral Presentation Criteria (65 Points) Clarity 10 Poise Time Quality of Charts/Presentation 20 Answers to Questions 15

Student Paper Award Concerns were raised about the timing of the student paper award announcement at the AVIATION conference, and the invitation of the student to the banquet. This issue should be on the agenda at the TC meeting in Lyon. At request needs to be made to Jim Keenan for funds to cover the student paper award

Sub-Committee Reports

Sub-Committee Reports

Liaison Report – Steven Rizzi

Array Methods Panel Session planned Aeroacoustics 2016 The Virtual Acoustic Simulation Technology for Community Noise (VASTCON) Technical Working Group – Community Noise Session – 5 VASTCON member abstracts submitted. Was hoping for more. Wish to determine if other non-VASTCON member abstracts were submitted and aggregate if so. Array Methods Panel Session planned The panel session, in which benchmark problems are provided for comparing and validating various microphone phased array processing techniques for source localization and quantification, will revisit the problems from 2015 and address several new problems.  The 2015 problems have been updated with additional data and objectives based on feedback from the 2015 panel session.  The 2016 problems have been identified and supplied to address physical source and measurement configurations which were not fully captured in the original problem set, as well as incorporate CFD/CAA into the analysis. 6 to 10 panelists anticipated

Other NASA Langley sponsored Blue Sky Workshop on “Quiet UAS/PAV VSTOL Approaches” held at National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA, Aug 26-27, 2015. Intended to influence future NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate projects through generation of new ideas which could lead to game-changing introduction of new UAS and PAVs into the air transportation system 60+ participants from across NASA, academia and industry 31 low-noise concepts were brainstormed by 8 breakout groups. Top two from each group were presented. Concepts generally fell into 3 groups Terminal area & operations Propulsor concepts Vehicle concepts Distillation of concepts in progress. A TBD publication is anticipated later this year.

Membership – Chuck Royalty

Membership Total membership of the TC is 35, which includes 27 Regular, 1 Associate, and 7 International Members. 50 Total Member limit, 35 Regular Member limit. It is intended to retain a core of productive senior members to assure continuity of the traditions and high standards that have become identified with the AIAA Aeroacoustics activities. We also hope to encourage multiple terms for members who are active contributors as sub-committee members and conference organizers. We see very little point in change just for the sake of change.

Membership: New Members Charles Tinney. University of Texas at Austin Junhui Liu, Naval Research Laboratory William Alexander, Virginia Tech Jason Anderson, Naval Surface Warfare Center Jeffrey Berton, NASA Glenn Research Center

Wrap Up

Subcommittee or Working Group Name TC Assignments Subcommittee or Working Group Name Chair’s or Lead’s Name Email address Aeroacoustics Award Selection Committee Hafiz Atassi (Lyon 2016)  Tasos Lyrtintzis (2017+) Aeroacousic Award Nomination Committee Phil Morris Krish Ahuja 2016 Review Article Dennis McLaughlin 2016 SciTech Technical Chair Jeff Peters 2017 SciTech Eric Nesbitt 2016 Aeroacoustics Conference Tech. Co-Chair William Devenport 2017 Aeroacoustics Conference Chairs Tasos Lyrtintzis Education Srinivasan Arunajatesan Cliff Brown Web Master Nathan Murray  Membership Chuck Royalty 

From our Charter, 2001 SCOPE FUNCTION ACTIVITIES Development and application of Aeroacoustics technology for military and commercial aerospace systems. FUNCTION Promote the understanding and effective use of Aeroacoustics at policy and technical levels. ACTIVITIES Provide policy direction and key personnel for the Aeroacoustics Conference (AAC). Provide educational programs by sponsoring workshops, short courses, sessions, tutorials and conferences other than the major conference, the AAC. Facilitate review and publication of aeroacoustics books, proceedings, and journal articles. Advocate policy to AIAA on aeroacoustics topics of national interest. Promote understanding of standardization, technology, and other issues important to aeroacoustics. Coordinate with other AIAA Technical Committees and other technical groups (American Helicopter Society, ASME, etc.) with common interests. Hold joint conferences. Honor technical contributors through awards, nominations for associate fellows, and membership upgrades. Broaden the member participation base through creation and use of aeroacoustics subcommittees within the full committee. Promote investigations that improve state-of-the-art computational and experimental capabilities.

Web Pages… TAC web site ASG web site TC Topic: Web Pages Each TC needs a web master and a back-up/helper Great location to share information (e.g. minutes, charter, award process, photos) This is your face to the outside world for new AIAA & TC members Improvement to ASG TC web pages. Thanks! When was the last time your TC updated its webpage? Keep up the good work! TAC web site Provides numerous documents (e.g. Chair manual, Self-Assessment) ASG web site Has links to the various TCs and needs improvement

Other Topics Room size, not large enough to support attendees at SciTech: Eric Nesbit is aware of the problem and will work with organizers of SciTech 2017 Holding the summer meeting every other year in Europe was discussed. However the TC members from Government and Industry were very much against this idea because of travel restrictions. Lobbying Acoustics: Murray, Ahuja, Lyrintzis: It was suggested that ASG should be asked for funding to support this activity. We need a one page description of what the aeroacoustucs community is doing and how it is relevant to individual members of congress. The document should highlight what we are doing in each state. It was suggested that we should also discuss this initiative with other acousticsl and noise control societies. Action Item: Murray and Ahuja to start drafting a white paper Collection for Student Paper: no objections if ASG does not provide funds.

ASG Report – Jim Keenan

AIAA Aerospace Sciences Group TC Presentation AIAA SciTech 2016 San Diego, CA 4-8 January 2016 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Group TC Presentation

AIAA Topic: Continuing Operations Results

AIAA Topic: Fiscal Year Ended 30 September 2015 Results (Audited) Operations performed better than budget by $1,850K Revenue was 5.7% better than budget, providing 62% of our positive variance. Strong Journals and Technical Paper subscriptions and archive sales NACA 100th Anniversary Event & Boeing Workshop provided unbudgeted revenue boost SciTech and Aviation Forum revenue better than budget Strong Aerospace America advertising sales Expenses were 3.6% better than budget Labor better than budget due to delayed hiring of open positions Forum expenses better than budget Lower spending than anticipated for promotion activities

AIAA Topic: AIAA Governance – History AIAA Governance was established 50 years ago with the merger of the American Rocket Society and the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences Four main Elements Articles of Incorporation: The legal establishment of AIAA as a 501(c3) in the state of New York. AIAA has to follow laws of New York that relate to non-profit operations Constitution: Outline of the structure and some level of policies. Very prescriptive and detailed operational information included Need a quorum of 15% of membership to vote to change Constitution. Of those who vote (15% or more) two-thirds, must vote yes, for a change to carry By-Laws: Outline of some policies, operational information and roles and responsibilities Board can change the By-Laws Some overlap between content in By-Laws and content in Constitution Policy and Procedures: Operating information including process and guidelines Can be changed by Board or appropriate committees depending on the level of the policies and procedures

AIAA Topic: Voting Participation & Governance

TAC Topic: Forums The dates and locations for the upcoming forums. AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 9-13 January 2017 Gaylord Texan Grapevine, TX AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 13-17 June 2016 Washington Hilton Washington, DC  AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition 25-27 July 2016 Salt Palace Salt Lake City, UT AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition 13 - 16 September2016 Long Beach Convention Center Long Beach, CA The AIAA Defense and Security Forum and Exposition. Johns-Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory March 2016

TAC Topic: Virtual Product Innovation Initiative (VPII) TAC seeks ideas for experiments to explore innovative concepts for virtual content through the Virtual Products Innovation Initiative (VPII). The VPII has three goals: Obtain data on demographics of participants, their satisfaction with various virtual products, and feedback to enhance product value Gain experience in organizing and executing virtual products, events, and activities Explore potential new products of unproven value The Technical Committees and Program Committees (TC/PC) are invited to submit proposals for virtual experiments to achieve those goals.

One successful proposal from ASG TAC Topic: VPII One successful proposal from ASG Peggy Hayes is the POC for this

TAC Topic: Forum Structure Executive Steering Committee 4-6 high-level representatives from industry, gov’t, academia Forum Organizing Committee Led by Forum General Chair Forum Technical Chair Integration Chair Public Policy Chair Education Chair International Chair Member Engagement Chair Etc. Technical Program Committee Led by Forum Technical Chairs (formerly Conference General Chair)  Forum Technical Chairs from AS, ADS, and IS Groups Chairs sit on Forum Organizing Committee Representatives from TCs/PCs Representatives from co-located symposia, workshops Representatives from other societies (ASCE, ASME, etc.)

ASG Technical Forum Chairs SciTech AVIATION Year TC AIAA Role 2014 ASE TP 2015 GNC AFM MS FD ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical Chair ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2016 PDL APA 2017 AMT/GT 2018 AA 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ASG Topic: ASG Technical Forum Chairs ASG Chair Rotation and Schedule for SciTech & AVIATION Note: The same person does not need to be a TCs appointee/volunteer for all 3 years of the SciTech cycle. SciTech 2016: Brad Burchett (AFM), Richard Ruff (MS), Michael White ( PDL) Aviation 2016: LaTunia Melton (FD), Jim Guglielmo (APA), ITAR: Katya Casper SciTech 2017: Richard Ruff (MS), Subrata Roy (PDL), Eric Silk (TP) Aviation 2017: Jim Guglielmo (APA), (AMT/GT), ITAR: ? Need TC Discipline leads for Aviation 2017 by June

ASG Topic: ITAR Sessions ITAR Sessions are now supported at AVIATION, P&E, and SPACE U.S. Only Likely more relevant to Government and Industry members Marginal success at AV15 New implementation for AV16 AIAA does have ITAR competition from JANNAF and NSMMS JANNAF overlap with P&E NSMMS overlap with Thermophysics TC and conference

ASG Topic: ITAR Sessions Pseudo committee Chaired by Peggy Hayes (ASG ITAR Lead) Technical Chair Katya Casper (FD TC) AV 16 Volunteers from 7 TCs to review papers and chair 7 sessions FD, GT, MVC, PD, TP, APA, MS Need ASG ITAR Chair for AV17 Maybe one of the current ITAR volunteers Need TC chairs to query their TCs for interest and possible volunteers (one per TC would be nice)

Aerospace Sciences Group Leadership Team Jim Keenan - Director Fluid Sciences Deputy Directors John Schmisseur Peggy Hayes Aeroacoustics Jeff Mendoza / Steward Glegg Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Paul Danehy / Steven Beresh Atmospheric and Space Environments Justin Likar / Marcia Politovich Fluid Dynamics Brian Smith / David Williams Ground Test Steve Dunn / Wink Baker Meshing, Visualization, & Comp. Env. Carl F. Ollivier-Gooch / Nick Wyman Plasmadynamics and Lasers Johathan Poggie / Sergey Macheret Thermophysics Eric Silk / Alina Alexeenko Flight Sciences Deputy Directors Rob Vermeland Robbie Robertson Applied Aerodynamics Martiqua Post / Carl Tilmann Astrodynamics Al Cangahuala / Moriba K. Jah Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Rick Lind / Malcom Cotting Guidance, Navigation, and Control D. Brett Ridgely / Lesley Weitz Modeling and Simulation Steven Beard / Daniel Cartmell 52

AIAA Topic: Governance See Jim Albaugh’s comments in AIAA 2014-2015 Annual Report “Governance” is how we run the Institute Not to be confused with Government An overall governance evaluation began with the establishment of a Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) in January 2014 that was tasked with Examining the efficacy of the AIAA governance structure Benchmarking it against our peers in the not-for-profit sector Recommending appropriate improvements to the Board of Directors Efficacy=the power to produce an effect

Governance Report – John Evans