Language Support Unit Presents
Speaking CA1 Semester 2 Preparation
Speaking Test Specifications Book 2 Listening & Speaking
Units’ Themes (Topics)
The Speaking Test has three tasks: A 2-way discussion with the assessor about the themes and topics covered in Units 5-8 in Book 2 Task 1 (a dialogue) Task 2 A description of a picture, based on the themes and topics covered in Units 5-8 in Book 2 (a description of a picture) Task 3 A response to a particular situation, based on the themes and topics covered in Units 5-8 in Book 2 (a reaction to a situation)
Task 1 You will have a 2-way conversation with the assessor The assessor will ask you a few questions about a theme covered in Units 5-8 in Book 2 Answer in full sentences Task Length: 90 seconds
Let's practice
What does it mean to be part of a family? Describe your relationship with your parents. Which members of your family influence your life? How? Who is your favorite family member? Why? Is it important to learn about your family history? Why? Or why not?
Task 2 You will describe a picture The picture is based on a theme covered in Units 5-8 in Book 2 Describe what you can see in the picture for about 1 minute Task Length: 90 seconds
Let's practice
Talk about what you can see in the picture Tip 1 Talk about what you can see in the picture I can see a family. I can see a window. I can see an old man. I can see a boy. I can see a woman. I can see a man.
Talk about facts like colors, age, size, etc. Tip 2 Talk about facts like colors, age, size, etc. The boy's T-shirt is blue and white. The man's thobe is white. The old man has a white beard. The boy is short. The man and the old man are tall.
Talk about possible things that you can't see in the picture Tip 3 Talk about possible things that you can't see in the picture I can't see the grandmother. I can't see the boy's sister. I can't see the cameraman. I can't see the furniture. I can't see the their shoes.
Describe what you see in the picture Tip 4 Describe what you see in the picture Everyone is smiling. The boy is wearing a T-shirt. The old man looks very happy. The boy looks smart. The grandfather looks very rich.
Talk about the theme (topic) of the picture Tip 5 Talk about the theme (topic) of the picture This picture is about the meaning of being a part of a family. The boy has his family around. The boy looks very happy with his family.
Talk about what you think (your opinion) Tip 6 Talk about what you think (your opinion) I think it is a big house. I think they have a good relationship. I think this house is in UAE. I think the old man is the man's father. I think the woman is the man's wife.
Go online to download the audios Tip Listening to the Q classroom, Listening 1 & Listening 2 will help you generate sentences easily in Task 1 and Task 2 Go online to download the audios
Go online to download the audios Book 2 Unit 5: Sociology Q Classroom: What does it mean to be part of our family? Listening 1: Twins in the Family Listening 2: Family History Go online to download the audios
Go online to download the audios Book 2 Unit 6: Business Q Classroom: Why do things yourself? Listening 1: Howtoons Listening 2: Sell-It-Yourself Go online to download the audios
Book 2 Unit 7: Environmental Studies Go online to download the audios Q Classroom: What happens to our trash? Listening 1: Sustainable Dave Listening 2: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Go online to download the audios
Book 2 Unit 8: Public Health Go online to download the audios Q Classroom: How important is cleanliness? Listening 1: Water for Life Listening 2: Is It Possible to Be Too Clean? Go online to download the audios
Task 3 You will respond to a situation with 1 or 2 sentences The situation is based on a theme covered in Units 5-8 in Book 2 LS The situation is usually a speaking skill covered on pages 93, 115, 135 & 156 in Book 2 LS Task Length: 30 seconds
Speaking Skills
Book 2 Unit 5 Page 93
Book 2 Unit 6 Page 115
Book 2 Unit 7 Page 135
Book 2 Unit 8 Page 156
Let's practice
Speaking skill page 115 Book 2 LS Situation Your teacher is explaining something in the classroom. He uses a new word that you don't know its meaning. How do you ask for a clarification? Speaking skill page 115 Book 2 LS Possible Answers: Could you explain the word ......? (Or) What does the word ....... mean? Please note: It is better to use two or more responses.
Please Note Could you repeat that, please? Can you repeat that? If you do not understand or hear a question well, ask the assessor to repeat it by using one of the following: Could you repeat that, please? Can you repeat that? Could you repeat the question, please? Can you repeat the question? Could you say that again, please? Again, please.
All the best