Vincent Van Gogh Born: March 30,1863 Died: July 29,1890
Today’s Lesson Line Movement Exploring a new technique for color Project: Crayon Resist Vincent Van Gogh
Van Gogh’s Life Born in Holland in 1853. Art and religion were the 2 occupations to which the Van Gogh family gravitated. He went to Paris at 16 to assist an art dealer, began making sketches, and his interest in art began. He began to paint gloomy scenes including thatched huts, peasants and workers. He later lightened up his artwork after studying Japanese prints. In 1886 he moved in with his supportive brother Theo in Paris, where he met many other leading Impressionism artists. He began painting in his own style characterized by lively brushstrokes and bright, clashing colors. He is now regarded as one of the most profoundly influential artists of the 19th century.
Vincent Van Gogh’s Art Guess how many paintings sold during his life? Guess how much some of his paintings sold for after his death? sold only one work in his lifetime but whose Irises (sold New York, Sotheby's, 11 Nov 1987) achieved a record auction sale price of £49 million, including Portrait of Dr. Gachet, which went for $82.5m. in 1990. His 10-year artistic career produced more than 800 paintings and 700 drawings, of which he sold only one in his lifetime. His work had a powerful influence on the development of modern painting, and he is considered the greatest Dutch painter since Rembrandt. Irises Portrait of Dr. Gachet
Impressionism Captured moments of everyday life outside the studio, much like a photograph Dabs of intense color Short and wide lines (visible brush strokes) Visual impression Overall effects rather than details Unmixed primary colors Use of light and movement
Vocabulary Definitions Line: A continuous mark with length and direction, created by a point that moves across a surface. Lines can be 2-dimensional (a pencil line on paper), 3-dimensional (wire) or implied (the line formed where two different colors or shapes meet). Movement: A way of combining visual elements to produce the illusion of action.
Vocabulary Definitions (cont.) Color: Hues in the spectrum Resist: Oil or wax used - do not mix with water. Will block out areas of a surface so it is not colored by dye, paint, varnish, acid, etc.
Van Gogh’s A Field of Poppies
Van Gogh’s Landscape with Carriage and Train
Van Gogh’s The Olive Trees
Van Gogh’s Wheat Field with Cypress
Van Gogh’s A Sidewalk Café at Night
Van Gogh’s Peach Blossom in the Crau, (1889)
Van Gogh’s Starry Night Oil painting of a night sky. The sky is large and wide. Swirls roll from left to right between the stars, and seem to pull streaks of color along with them. large glowing moon, brightly shining stars (with rings of yellow and white around them), and mountains, trees and a church steeple reaching up to the sky. Warm colors (yellow, gold, orange) stand out against cool colors (blue, green). This painting shows a special kind of movement. How would you describe it. Use your hand to make some curves in the air like the curves in the sky. Where does your hand move? How does this motion make you feel? What do you think Van Gogh wanted us to look at first in his painting? How can you tell? His brushstrokes all seem to move up, making us pay the most attention to what? Mountains rise up to meet sky, tree reaches up and so does the steeple of the church. Why do you suppose he wanted the sky to be the biggest part? Find the village in this painting. What colors did Van Gogh use to create it? Do you think the village is awake or asleep? How can you tell? Does this painting seem real, imaginary, or both? “The sight of stars always sets me dreaming just as the black dots on a map set me dreaming of towns and villages. Why should those points of light in the firmament, I wonder, be less accessible than the dark ones on the map of France?’’ What are some of the colors you see in this painting? Find a color which is very light and changes to a very dark color? The warm colors (yellow, gold, orange) stand out because they are used against cool colors (blue and green) Can you find shapes that are outlined by lines? What objects can you identify? What looks unusual or different about this night sky?
What We Will Be Doing Draw a Starry Night scene with a crayon (black, dark blue, violet, orange, yellow, white and green work best). Start by drawing swirls, curls, moon, stars and other sky patterns on the top 2/3 of the dark blue paper, using circular, sweeping, fast motions. Press hard without breaking the crayon. Continue drawing more lines and patterns around the shapes you just drew. Leave a small space of paper showing between any two crayon marks. Fill up most of your paper with your sky design.