DCS, DOMs and interplay with Run Control 20/06/12 FV
Detector Operation Modes MAINTENANCE or TUNING RICH STRAW LAV Any actions allowed Many active users RUN DOM NA62 Actions not allowed One active user Shift crew 20/06/12 VF
Detector Operation Mode (DOM) is a set of rules used by DCS for detector operation in specific conditions. The rules also determine the way how the DCS moves from one DOM to another and communicate with external systems. Typical DOMs : MAINTENANCE or TUNING DCS goal: provide comfortable conditions for tuning or maintenance of sub-detectors Actions: any Number of users: many Main state of equipment: both ON and OFF RUN (or DATA TAKING) DCS goal: provide stable conditions for data taking Actions: none Number of users: one Main state of equipment: ON SHUTDOWN DCS goal: keeping the detector in predefined and safe state Main state of equipment: OFF (but LKr HV ON!) SAFE_OFF DCS goal: keeping the detector in safest state State of equipment: OFF 20/06/12 VF
Some other definitions Recipes is a set of parameters fully defining operation of a sub-system or full detector. This set include states (ON/Off), setting values, alarms thresholds, etc. The recipes are stored in an external data base (ORACLE) and can be edited with dedicated editor, uploaded to the system, modified and saved back to the data base. Run Type defines type of physical run foreseen for current data taking period. For example it could be MUONS, LOW INTENSITY, HIGH INTENSITY, “Italo’s run”, etc. For each Run Type there is corresponding recipes set. 20/06/12 VF
Detector Operation modes TUNING/MAINTENANCE - main mode for run preparation RUN - the DCS should guarantee that: all detector channels are in desired states and all parameters influencing data quality are in good (requested) range. A deviation from these stable conditions should abort the RUN DOM and move the NA62 experiment node to TUNING DOM SAFE_OFF - the detector is in the safest state SHUTDOWN – the detector is in predefined and safe state 20/06/12 VF
From TUNING to RUN The RUN DOM can be initialized in TUNING DOM only by explicit operator GO_TO_RUN command Before sending the GO_TO_RUN command Shift operator will take control of detector (one active user) Depending on situation the operator either leaves the old recipes without reloading of them or downloads (from DB) and apply the new recipes (CONFIGURE command) If after the application of the new recipes all detector channels are in desired states and all parameters influencing data quality are in good (requested) range The system is in READY state and GO_TO_RUN command is available The GO_TO_RUN command will Block any DCS commands Send “Detector is ready” signal to Run Control 20/06/12 VF
From TUNING to RUN and back TUNING DOM RUN DOM Shift crew takes control of detector CONFIGURE Run type ? NA62 detector states To Run Control: Detector is Ready Load new recipes READY GO_TO_RUN Evaluate detector state Lock DCS commands READY Unlock DCS commands GO_TO_TUNING NA62 detector state ERROR ERROR UNKNOWN UNKNOWN RAMPING RAMPING 20/06/12 VF To Run Control : Detector is not Ready
From RUN to TUNING and back In 2 cases: A NA62 detector element changed its state from READY to any other state. In other words the conditions: all detector channels are in desired states and all parameters influencing data quality are in good (requested) range are not satisfied Operator send command “Go_TO_TUNING” In both cases the DCS will send “Detector is not Ready” signal to Run Control and automatically move to TUNING DOM. This will unlock the DCS commands. In TUNING mode an operator can cure the problem Once the NA62 detector is in READY state the system can be returned to RUN mode 20/06/12 VF
Exchange of information between DCS and Run Control Despite of similarity in technology the Run Control is an external system for DCS, like DSS, Gas Control etc. As with the other external systems the exchange is based on defined in advance (hopefully short) list of items and communication software (DIM or DIP). The exchange mechanism should not bind one system to another and allow independent development/evolution of both of them. 20/06/12 VF