Markets & Limits & Stops, OMY !!! A guide to stock transaction orders Herb Barnett Expo Seminar B3
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Our Objective To lessen any uncertainty about your choices when buying or selling a stock We will discuss Common terms Order types Pros and cons Examples Entering orders Conditional orders
About Our Examples We will be discussing only “long” positions, not margin, shorts or options. Actual dollar amounts and percentages used in the examples are not to be considered as recommendations. When placing a trade you should always use whatever values are appropriate for your specific situation. Commissions are ignored for these examples.
Stock Pricing Terms Think of market as an auction Bid price What a buyer is willing to pay Ask price What a seller wants to receive Spread Bid Spread Ask
Order Types Market Good ’Til Canceled Limit Stop Trailing Stop ($ or %) Conditional
Market Order Transaction is executed immediately during normal trading hours Buy at the market Pay the ask price Sell at the market Receive the bid price You pay, or receive, the current quote at the moment your order is entered
Good ’Til Cancelled (GTC) Order is open until executes or expires May or may not execute Executes only if your target is met Your choices for expiration End of trading day End of interval set by broker When you cancel May cancel automatically on split or dividend
Limit Order You specify a price Broker acts when order is triggered Broker may refuse outrageous request May be limited to 20% to 30% from current price Broker acts when order is triggered
Buy Limit Specify price below current price Stock currently at $35 SSG suggests Buy Below $30 (3:1 U/D) Enter “Buy with limit @ $30” May execute at or below $30 May not execute at all Stock may not drop to your limit
Stop-Loss Target must be below current price “Sell if price drops to $30” Some protection against sharp drop in market No assurance you will get price you specify Bad news may force price through your target without stopping You will get best price available
Stop-Limit to Sell Sets specific price for execution “Sell stop-limit at $30” Stock will be sold if there is a buyer at $30 Stock will not be sold if price drops below $30 Order is still in effect (Day or GTC) Will execute if stock goes back up to $30
Trailing Stop to Sell Provides some protection for profits if stock is rising Stop is adjusted upward (re- priced) continuously as stock reaches new highs Trailing stop can go up, not down Examples: Sell if it drops $5 Sell if it drops 10%
Trailing Stops Stop moves up as stock price increases Buy @ $40 Stock drops below $49 stop, Sell Order is activated Stock hits high of $53, stop is at $49 Trailing Stop set @ $4 Stop stays level as stock declines
$ Trailing Stop Examples Current Price $50 Trailing stop $5.00 below = $45.00 Stock is sold if it drops to $45.00 Current price rises to $100 Trailing stop $5.00 below = $95.00 Stock is sold if it drops to $95.00 Much smaller % change triggers sale as price increases
% Trailing Stop Examples Current Price $50 Trailing stop 10% below = $45.00 Stock is sold if it drops to $45.00 Sold at $5.00 less than high Current price rises to $100 Trailing stop 10% below = $90.00 Stock is sold if it drops to $90.00 Sold at $10.00 less than high % change is the same
Setting Your Trailing Stop Percentage may be more appropriate than dollar amount If set too tight, you may lose good stock on brief dip Don’t get too greedy Normally entered as GTC order Need to keep track of expiration Broker may cancel or adjust on stock split or dividend
Market Order Entry Basic order
More Detailed Order Entry Specify target for all except market orders Basic order Set up a conditional order
Conditional Orders Enter combination of multiple orders Cannot be market order Multiple orders must be same type OCA – One Cancels Another If first executes, other is canceled OTA – One Triggers Another If first executes, other is submitted
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