Chapter 1: Amplify your Attitude


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1: Amplify your Attitude

Reflective Writing What do you see when viewing this image? Explain. (hint- focus on the level of water) AFter students write their answer, the teacher takes a vote. How many students see the glass as half full and how many students see the glass as half empty? Any other thoughts. Have students discuss why they thought one answer over the other.

Attitude An individual’s attitude can shape the way in which they see the cup of water (half - full, half empty) Those who see it as half- full typically have an optimistic outlook on life, specific situations and their environment Those who see it as half- empty typically have a pessimistic outlook on life, specific situations and their environment At the end of this slide, the teacher can have students think to themselves, am I optimistic or pessimistic?

Chapter 1 Vocabulary Optimistic: hopeful and confident about the future Pessimistic: tending to see the worst aspect of things Perspective: a particular attitude toward something; a point of view Thumbs up thumbs down understanding of vocabulary

Chapter 1 Vocabulary Attitude: a way of thinking about someone or something; typically reflected in a person’s behavior Affirmation: emotional support or encouragement Visualization: seeing yourself obtaining your goal

Chapter 1 Amplify Your Attitude A positive attitude is one of the most powerful strategies for success. Upon successful completion, students will be able to: [a] Understand the importance of keeping a positive outlook. [b] How to develop and sustain a positive attitude. [c] Visualize and action plan to success.

How Positive Thinking Leads to Academic Success • You will be motivated to work on achieving your academic goals. • You will view obstacles as opportunities and will learn from them. • You will expect better grades and be closer to achieving them. • You will focus on success, helping you realize your dreams. • You will enjoy greater self-esteem and less stress. Have the students turn to their partners and discuss how being positive can be helpful when trying to be successful in school. Share with class discussion.

How Positive Thinking Leads to Academic Success • You will be viewed as a leader, thanks to your positive attitude. • You will believe in yourself and boost your confidence. • You will effectively block negativity around you. • You will become a happier person and a more successful student.

11 Simple ways to Develop a Winning Attitude 1. Remember to be grateful every day. 2. Make a list of everything that went well each day. 3. Take a few minutes to be quiet and focus on your positive results. 4. Take time to play and take breaks. 5. Invest in your body by eating healthfully, exercising and getting enough rest (more about that in Chapter 31).

11 Simple ways to Develop a Winning Attitude 6. Use positive affirmations to become more optimistic. There are many affirmations sprinkled throughout this book. Read them out loud and think about them. Use the posters included in this system and put them up where they are visible during study. 7. Minimize your exposure to negative media – TV, radio etc. 8. Use your posture to boost your attitude – sit up straight, smile, and breathe deeply. Do this for 60 seconds and you will immediately feel the difference. Try it now!

11 Simple ways to Develop a Winning Attitude 9. Learn to control your thoughts. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Keep doing this until it becomes effortless. Always look at the bright side of life. 10. Spend time with positive people; they will rub off on you. 11. Think about being successful. See yourself getting good grades. This will help you to achieve your goals. See it and believe it!

Master the Art of Visualization to Create Success Visualization helps you to see things around you that can help you achieve your goals. Visualization activates the law of attraction. The more you visualize your success, the more you will start living as if you are already successful. Have the students break into groups of four and have each group come up with a personal way they can develop a winning attitude. Once the groups have each come up with a personal way they can develop a winning attitude have the students write theirs as a list on chart paper and have it displayed in the classroom as a reminder to keep positive attitudes. Once the students have discussed and displayed their methods, have the students go back to their seats and as individuals, have them close their eyes and take a minute for reflection. Have the students close their eyes and guide them students through a thought process that allows them to visualize a success that they would want in their lives. As a class ask for volunteers to discuss what they visualized and as a class have a discussion about how they can go about thinking positive and reaching their goals.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

Pessimist vs Optimist Be Grateful and Count your Victories Every Day. ! Reflect on the Positive Outcomes of your Goals. Be Healthy, Eat well, Exercise and Get Enough rest. Nurture Your Attitude with Positive Affirmations. Minimize Your Exposure to Negative Media and People. Act Positive - Sit up straight, Smile and Breathe Deeply. Always Replace Negative thoughts with Positive Ones. Visualize Success and Put Your Subconscious to Work.

Do Now What are some long-term goals you have for yourself? Why is this important to you?

Chapter 2 Vocabulary Measurable: specific and achievable Attainable: reaching a specific goal or accomplishment Relevant: specific to what you are doing

Turn Your Dreams into Goals Dreams- wants 5 years in the future Long Term Goals- 3 year time period SMART Goals- single semester or shorter S Specific M Measurable A Actionable and Attainable R Relevant T Time Bound

Chapter 2 Get SMART Goals Class read pages 27 & 28

SMART Goal 1. Set Specific Goals. Goals should be clear and well defined. 2. Make your goals Measurable. A goal that can’t be measured is not really a goal.

SMART Goal 3. Create goals that are Actionable and Attainable. Is your goal a challenge but still possible to achieve? 4. Design goals to be Realistic and Relevant. Your SMART goals must line up to your dreams and long-term goals. Your belief in your goal makes it relevant to you and helps you to make it a reality.

SMART Goal 5. Ensure that your goals are always Time bound. Goals must have a starting point, ending point and a specific length of time. Always give your goals a due date. SMART Goal 4 square foldable

Ch.3-Do Now Why do you get up and go to school every day? What motivates you? TPS- Share your motivators with your partner.

Chapter 3 Vocabulary Inspiration: something that motivates one to do something Mantra: powerful words that mean a lot to you Self-esteem: confidence in one’s own abilities Procrastination: delaying or postponing something Thumbs up thumbs down understanding

Chapter 3 Experience The Magic of Motivation Motivation leads to achievement Your level of motivation truly determines the heights you will reach. Motivation is what gets you to take action no matter how you feel. Inaction is one of the main reasons people fail to achieve their goals. Many people push themselves to take action once, but then stop there. Motivation to keep doing what needs to be done leads to success.

Ch.3 The Magic of Motivation 1. Being motivated helps you take charge of your life. As you get more done with less work, you will become more organized and will want to keep going. 2. You will start tasks with enthusiasm and complete them. This will make you more confident that you can succeed. 3. You will get things done on time. 4. You will face negativity and obstacles with determination and they will no longer affect your ability to succeed. 5. You will avoid criticism and nagging. Others will see you getting things done effortlessly and have no reason to be critical of you.

Magic of Motivation 6. Your classmates will see you as a leader and a positive influence. 7. You will address problems before they become serious. 8. You will start finding opportunities to become successful. 9. You will enjoy giving 100% of yourself to your goals and will boost your self-esteem with every step. 10. You will find support wherever you go. Everyone wants to help someone who is driven and motivated.

The secret is: Inspiration Inspiration is the greatest source of motivation. The word inspiration means to be in spirit. When you are inspired, you are clear about what you need to do. You will start the day eager and excited to face the challenges that lie ahead. Inspiration makes you believe in your potential.

Inspiration or Internal Motivation Some people refer to Inspiration as Internal Motivation. This means you are the source of your own motivation. Here are some simple techniques to get you inspired: 1. Seek Alone Time – Being alone focuses your mind and helps you to get inspired. It can be as simple as five minutes of quiet meditation or a walk outside. 2. Find your Mantra – A mantra is a few powerful words that mean a lot to you and make your spirit smile. It could be a quote that you already cherish. Try using one of the attitude affirmations or quotes in this book that you like. Start your day with an inspirational quote.

Inspiration 3. Rely on Role Models – Associate with inspiring people who bring out the best in you and inspire you to do more. This could include friends, teachers, coaches or family. Historical and modern leaders can also inspire you through their work and life. 4. Listen to Nature – Make nature your friend. Many students study best when they are surrounded by nature. Nature can inspire you. Connect with nature through all your senses to experience its positive power. 5. Get in Your Zone – Being in your zone means being you at your best. Think about moments when you were most successful. Remember when you felt most fulfilled and alive in the past.

Inspiration 6. Surround Yourself with Creativity – Surround yourself with art you enjoy and listen to inspiring music. 7. Create a Good Study Space – Create a study environment that inspires you. Chapter 30 is dedicated to this important topic, which can dramatically improve your productivity and motivation

Celebrate your Successes-Chapter 4 Vocabulary Momentum: doing something that keeps you moving toward your goal Accomplishment: something that has been completed successfully Acknowledgement: expressing appreciation for someone or something they do Celebration: excitement highlighting a success Thumbs up thumbs down understanding of vocabulary

11 Simple Ways to Master Motivation 1. Walk Before You Run - Set mini goals that help you get wins under your belt. Success leads to more success. 2. Make it Fun – Working on goals has to be fun or you’re likely to quit. 3. Measure Results - Measuring your results will keep you on the path to success. 4. Take Breaks – Don’t spend more than 30 minutes at a time working on your goals. 5. Follow Your Action Plan – Commit to your SMART goals and follow your plan even when you don’t feel like it. 6. Celebrate Successes - Focus on the little successes along the way.

Master Motivation 7. Share Your Goals and Results - Share your goals and progress with friends and family. 8. Create a Support Coalition (Group) – Associate with people who support you and want you to succeed. 9. Nip the Slip – Recognize small slips that lead to losing motivation. 10. Expect Enthusiasm Lows – Mentally prepare yourself for times when your energy is low. 11. Winners Never Quit and Quitters Never Win - You may have trouble staying motivated because you have quit in the past. To break that habit, take baby steps at first.

“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” ~ Vince Lombardi “You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” ~ Wayne Gretzky

Ch. 4 -Do Now: Why do you celebrate? How do you celebrate a job well done? TPS-Discuss with your partner and compare.

Chapter 4 Celebrate Every Success Celebration delivers you to a world filled with happiness, satisfaction, pride, gratitude and confidence. These emotions increase your momentum towards your goals and create more success. And celebrating your success will give you increased energy that automatically helps you do more. Without celebration, life can be boring. Celebrations do not have to be huge. Simple acknowledgements of your success can truly inspire and motivate you. Focus on all your victories and celebrate them.

Celebrate success Celebrate to Build Momentum Once you make a long-term commitment to your goals, it is very important that you celebrate your journey along the way. Small accomplishments are very powerful and are worth celebrating Remember these small successes eventually add up to create your ultimate success Hard work without celebration is a sure path to burnout city. Celebration offers you renewal and provides the fuel for your next set of tasks. You can’t grow without resting. Everyone needs a break. Celebrations make it easier for you to keep working consistently on your long-term goals.

It is also crucial that you recognize failures as opportunities It is also crucial that you recognize failures as opportunities. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Successful people accept failures and always learn from them. Don’t think of happiness and success as destinations, they are journeys. Follow your life’s path with an open mind and heart. Congratulate yourself on all that you have achieved and learned.

Ways to Celebrate your Successes 1. Tell your friends, family and teachers about your achievement. 2. Give yourself a one-day break to do what you enjoy most. 3. Give yourself permission to sleep in for a day. 4. Reflect how much closer you are to success and be grateful. 5. Write your success and put it where you can see it every day. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What you need to know:Put it to use in your life. “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” ~ Oprah Winfrey Use creative rewards that are special to you. Don’t wait… celebrate your accomplishments immediately. Recognize failures as learning opportunities ReUse