Same Day Access to Mental Health August 2016
VHA Commitment to Veterans VHA is committed to providing Veterans timely Mental Health care, including same day access service as needed.
Same Day Access in Mental Health Definition With input from VISN and facility leadership, we established a Veteran-facing definition of same day access to mental health: If you are in crisis or have another need for care right away in mental health, you will receive immediate attention from a health care professional at a Medical Center.
Same Day Access in Mental Health We continue our commitment to current policy which includes the following: If a Veteran is in crisis or has another need for care right away in mental health and presents to a CBOC, they will receive immediate attention from a health care professional Any Veteran new to mental health with a non-urgent need will receive an initial screening evaluation by the next calendar day
Defining the Process The Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center (TVAMC) developed a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to align facility procedures with the national My VA Access Mental Health Initiative. The SOP outlined the process for providing timely Mental Health Access, including same day services as needed. Includes all entry points for the facility- Primary Care, Medical Center, or Selma CBOC.
Components to Same Day Access Same Day Crisis- receive immediate crisis response assessment by Licensed Independent Practitioner (LIP). New Veterans or Established Veterans to MH- will be seen in person the same day by a LIP
Proposed Timeline to VHA Same Day Access to Mental Health in 2016 July 39 sites August 62 Sites September 90 Sites October 116 Sites November 146 Sites December 164 Sites
In Summary Same day access is one of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs highest priorities. Options for how same day care might be provided include multiple avenues (in person, video care, secure messaging and other options). Tuscaloosa VAMC is continuously assessing and improving same day MH access for Veterans.