BELLWORK: 1/13 The New English Government: pgs. 318-320 How was the rule of William/Mary different than previous monarchs? List three rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. What did the Act of Settlement declare? How did the Act of Union impact the relationship between England and Scotland? Define two new positions in the English Government – cabinet & prime minister. List the effects of George III’s rule.
Other important monarchs….. William and Mary George III
English Civil War Review In order to review over the key events, people and vocabulary of the English Civil War, you will complete a crossword puzzle. There are 26 important terms you will identify. Each question requires you to do two things: Identify the term (you need to write this! Can do on back of wkst) Search and find the term in the puzzle (circle/highlight it) If you do not finish in class, it is due on Tuesday! This is a race! First five students to finish will get extra credit!
English Civil War Review Crossword Puzzle
CLOSURE What is a constitutional monarchy? What was the Glorious Revolution? What were three new laws in England’s Bill of Rights? What was the Act of Settlement? Describe the shift in power within the English Government.
2015 Assignment…… EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! As you know, after the invention of the Printing Press, newspapers became the main source of information in Europe. Today, you are going to show how much you know about the English Civil War by creating your own newspaper story! You will take on the role of a journalist in 1600’s England. The writing assignment must cover at least one important aspect of the English Civil War, and include a picture. Needs to be ¾ page in length. Be creative! Get into character! Show me what you know! This is worth 20 points and due tomorrow. You will be graded on understanding, content, creativity
Possible Topics Start of Civil War Execution of Charles I Rule of Oliver Cromwell Reign of Charles II New English Government London Fire or plague Opposition from the Catholics Glorious Revolution William III and Mary II Act of Union
The New Abbey Herald May 29, 1660 It has been nearly eleven years since King Charles I was executed, but the New Abbey Herald is pleased to report the monarchy has been restored! Charles II is said to take over the throne today and resume the monarchy. While some people worry about a return to absolute control, others are overjoyed. One member of Parliament released a statement today: “I am proud to announce the new change in England’s government. Now that Oliver Cromwell and his military rule has ceased, Charles II will take over. You have no need to worry since a constitutional monarchy will be implemented. Therefore, all individual rights and freedoms will be protected. This is a new, dramatic change for England, but will surely be for the best.” It is clear that the majority of citizens share this enthusiasm since civilians have flooded the streets of London in celebration for the past week. People are happy to see England rise to greatness once again after a brief period of instability & Puritan rule following the Civil War. People are now guaranteed a more equal government with Parliament and the monarchy working together. Citizens are already referring to Charles II as the “Merry Monarch,” because of his parties, games, whit, and support for the arts/sciences. People can now rejoice and celebrate a new English government!