Essential Imaging Tools for LAA Closure Steven A. Goldstein MD FACC, FASE MedStar Heart Institute Washington Hospital Center Saturday, February 18, 2017
financial relationships DISCLOSURE I have N O relevant financial relationships
LAA Anatomy
LA-Appendage Anatomy Highly variable structure (size and shape) Long, hook-like true diverticulum of LA Lies within the pericardium Orifice is usually elliptical (not round) Lies in more than 1 imaging plane Often multi-lobed
Left Atrial Appendage Dimensions (Silicone casts from 11 specimens) Mean Range SD Length Os long diameter Os short diameter 44.9 mm 17.4 mm 10.9 mm 27-60 mm 10-24 mm 5-20 mm 9.6 mm 4 mm 4.2 mm Su (Royal Brompton, London – National Heart and Lung Institute) Heart 2008;94:1166-1170
Width = 2.9 cm Depth = 5.6 cm
LAA Orifice Classification Oval Foot-like Triangular Tear drop Round 68.9% 10% 7.7% 5.6%
Left Atrial Appendage Lobes Autopsy study (n=500) 2 lobes 3 lobes 1 lobe 4 lobes 54% 23% 20% 3% Veinot Circulation 1997;96:3112-3115
LA-Appendage Closure Role of TEE Identify all the lobes of the LAA Measure the size of the LAA ostium Look for thrombus/ dense “smoke” Look for atrial septal anatomy: ASD, PFO Identify other potential cardiac sources Provide guidance for transseptal puncture of embolism (eg atrial septal aneurysm, aortic debris)
Septation tissue between lobes can mimic a thrombus
Multi-Lobed LA-Appendage
Multilobed Atrial Appendage
LAA Anatomy/Assessment LAA size, shape Number of lobes Measure ostium at 0º, 45º, 90º, 135º Measure depth (length) of LAA From LCx to a point 2 cm from limbus tip From top of MV annulus “ “ “ “ “
LAA Anatomy/Assessment Maximum LAA ostium and LAA depth Max LAA ostium size should be ≥17 mm LAA length should be equal to or greater measurements determine size selection ≤ 31 mm to accommodate device sizes than the ostium
LAA Anatomy/Assessment Device Sizing Maximum LAA Ostium (mm) Device Size (mm) 17 – 19 20 – 22 23 – 25 26 – 28 29 – 31 21 24 27 30 33
4 Main Morphologies of LAA Cactus Windsock Cauliflower Chicken Wing more likely embolic event Di Biase J Am Coll Cardiol 2012; 60:531-538
Windsock Chicken wing Cauliflower Limited length More complex internal characteristics One dominant lobe Sufficient length Sharp bend in dominant lobe
Prevalence of Prior Stroke/TIA According to LAA Morphology Stroke rate (%) Di Biase J Am Coll Cardiol 2012; 60:531-538
Case 21 year-old woman
Chicken Wing
ER - 88 year-old man Chronic atrial fibrillation Cardioversion reverted to atrial fibrillation Coumadin problematic “easy bruising” Referred to Watchman Trial Pre-procedure TEE . . . .
“Hammerhead” shape of LA-appendage
Case Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017
Very basal “cul-de-sac” (extra lobe) Case 54 Very basal “cul-de-sac” (extra lobe)
Very basal “cul-de-sac” (extra lobe) Case 54 Very basal “cul-de-sac” (extra lobe)
Case 54
Look for Thrombi
Case Thrombus in LAA
Measurements 0º 45º 90º 135º
Landing Zone
Transseptal Puncture
Site Specific Transseptal Puncture for Various Interventions Transseptal PFO closure (higher crossing site for medial leaks; lower site for lateral leaks) Paravalve leak closure LVAD placement Hemodynamic studies LA-appendage closure Pulmonary vein interventions Alkhouli J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;9(24):2465-80
Transseptal Crossing Preferred crossing location is posterior Bicaval and short-axis views useful X-plane useful and inferior Inferior on short-axis view Posterior on bicaval view
The value of X-plane (biplane 2 orthogonal views) Guidance of Transseptal Puncture The value of X-plane (biplane 2 orthogonal views)
Transseptal Puncture for Watchman Too anterior Slightly more posterior
Case BH - 76 year-old woman Watchman LAA closure Case 16
BH - 76 year-old woman Longstanding, chronic atrial fibrillation Multiple cardioversions failed Referred for Protect – Watchman Trial
Successful placement of 21 mm LA-appendage occluder device with TEE guidance
Width = 1.2 cm Length = 2.4 cm
0° 45° 90° 135° Prior to final deployment, check position in 4 views: 0° 45° 90° 135°
LAA-occluder adjacent to L-pulmonary vein
Device Release Criteria P.A.S.S. Position – device is at ostium of LAA Anchor – fixation anchors engaged Size – device compressed 8-20% Seal - device spans ostium - device is stable (tug test) - all lobes of LAA covered - absence of peri-leak
Device should be at or just distal to the LA-appendage ostium Device Release Criteria Device should be at or just distal to the LA-appendage ostium
Iatrogenic ASD
LAA Occlusion Anticoagulation Post-Procedure Warfarin and aspirin x 45 days TEE at 45 days If no or minimal (≤ 5 mm) peridevice flow stop warfarin, start clopidogrel (75 mg), continue aspirin until 6 mos post procedure
PR - 71 year-old man Watchman procedure performed Successful insertion Refused anticoagulation, despite protocol
The End