A10. Intro to Tier 3….Arrrre youuuu REAAAADY???! Dave Kunelius Shashina Robinson kuneliusd@wisconsinpbisntwork.org robinss1@milwaukee.k12.wi.us Jane Audette audettj@milwaukee.k12.wi.us
Systematic Approach A systematic approach to behavioral support means: A multi-level continuum of support Data-driven decisions throughout the continuum Implementing practices that encourage positive behavior and discourage repetitive undesirable behavior. Practices should be implemented with fidelity. Implementing systems that decrease staff stress and support staff to implement effective practices Promote tier I, tier II, and tier III consistency among staff and administration
Numbers to Keep in Mind 7-15%: Percent of total population expected to need and be supported by Tier 2 interventions 1-5%: Percent of total population expected to need and be supported by Tier 3 interventions 70%: Percent of youth (receiving intervention “X”) that should be responding to intervention Data-based Decision-Rules for ‘determining response’ must be defined Data sources defining response are efficient Ex. Daily Progress Report (DPR) cards: Student maintains an 80% average on DPR for 4 weeks
3-Tiered System of Support Necessary Conversations (Teams) Universal Team Secondary Systems Team Problem Solving Team Tertiary Systems Team Plans school-wide and class-wide supports Uses process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Standing team; uses FBA/BIP process for one youth at a time Uses process data; determines overall intervention effectiveness Purpose: Provide big picture of how tier 2 is “fed” by tier 1, and “feeds” into tier 3. Training addresses this flow chart DON’T PANIC! THIS WILL MAKE SENSE BY END OF TRAINING Main ideas: Talk through each of the system supports and the roles of each team. Make note that the interventions listed are only a sampling and ultimately should include ALL interventions in the Unified System (Behavioral and Academic). However, today we are only focusing on Behavioral interventions. Pupil Services Personnel—Tier 1 - consult, Tier 2 - coordinate, Tier 3 - facilitate (quote from Lucille Eber) Conversation – cont discussion around who should be at each training day Complex FBA/BIP WRAP/ RENEW 6 6
Tier 3: Beliefs and Understanding Providing in-school supports for students who may have historically “gone elsewhere” Unconditional care Supporting students AND family May not be students with an IEP
District Commitments/Readiness -3-5 year action plan -On-going district leadership meetings -Facilitator/coaching allocation -Commitment to data system – student outcome, integrity, system data/tracker tool -Release time for training/T.A. -Priority given to school based meetings -Commitment to alternative credit options
School Commitments/Readiness -Commitment to monthly systems team meetings and ongoing student team meetings – meetings take priority -Minimum of 2 facilitators identified/ 2 students per facilitator -2 tier two interventions and brief FBA/BIP – systems, data and practice Elem = CICO and one additional tier 2 intervention + Brief FBA/BIP HS = Two Tier 2 interventions+ Brief FBA/BIP -Use of BAT/MATT/TFI for action planning -Universal: 2 years of sustained fidelity on BoQ
Tier 3 Systems Team Creation of a mission statement to ground your work, linking to existing mission statement/vision Selection of staff, professional development, and ongoing support Coaching System for identifying and enrolling students Process for developing and monitoring a plan Process for evaluating implementation
Facilitators 1-2 hours per week per student Flexible schedule to accommodate family meeting time/location Commitment to unconditional care CANNOT BE AN ADD-ON RESPONSIBILITY
Coaching District /External Coach Attend all training and TA Member of systems team meetings Attend Tier 3 Coaching Forum Provide ongoing support to facilitators By year 2 – transition to providing all TA to facilitators
Tier 3 Supports 1. Wraparound or RENEW 4 days, plus ongoing technical assistance Systems team – 1 day + quarterly online technical assistance Facilitators – 3 days + monthly online facilitator technical assistance
Systems team - 1 day + quarterly online technical assistance Tier 3 Supports 2. Complex FBA/BIP Systems team - 1 day + quarterly online technical assistance Facilitators – 6 live online sessions, monthly online technical assistance
District/School Presenters Milwaukee Public Schools Shashina Robinson -School Psychologist/PBIS Tier 3 Support Jane Audette -School Social Worker/PBIS Tier 3 Support
For Additional Info: 1. Contact your Regional Coordinator: http://www.wisconsinpbisnetwork.org/regional-coordinators.html 2.http://www.wisconsinpbisnetwork.org/administrators/getting-started.html 3.http://mps.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/en/Families/Family-Services/Intervention---PBIS.htm